Cell Change Event




Is there a way to have an event fire as soon as a user starts typing data
into a cell range? IE: I can use the worksheet_Change event but it only
fires after the user presses the enter key. A form level control change
event fires once we start changing the data... This is what I want on a
worksheet... Any Ideas?



I don't have an exact answer... but if it were me I'd look for function/code
that is something like on_focus that way as soon as the cell has cursor focus
the event will fire...just a thought

Tom Ogilvy

for all practical purposes, macros don't run while a user is editing a cell.
So there are no built in events that fire on each key entry while editing a


I think I know what your trying to do. The closest way That I found is
creating a form and aligning one ch size textbox in a line to appear as one
textbox and formating each box to one chr. keep tab order proper and code a
search from first chr then from two chr and so on untill match or a new entry
is required in list.
Good luck.

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