Case-sensative query



Hello, I am trying to query a text field to return the count of entries by
case, ie count of Mixed Case, lower case and UPPER CASE entries.

Is this at all possible?

Michel Walsh

Not without writing a VBA function, I am afraid.

Imagine a VBA function, in a standard module, like:

Public Function KeyCase(x As String) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long: n = Len(x) ' should be <= 31

Dim cumul As Long: cumul = 0
Dim temp As String ' a character at a time

For i = 1 To n
temp = Mid(x, i, 1)
cumul = 2 * cumul - (0 = StrComp(temp, UCase(temp),
Next i
KeyCase = cumul

End Function

you can then, in a query, use:

SELECT fieldOfName, COUNT(*)
FROM tableNameHere
GROUP BY KeyCase(fieldOfName), fieldOfName

*** Note that KeyCase will be in error if the string length exceed 31

Vanderghast, Access MVP



If you are talking about the first letter in a field then use this --
CaseCheck: Asc([YourField])
65 - 90 is upper case and 97 - 122 lower case.

John Spencer

You could use ucase, lCase, and strcomp, but it may get messy. You can
try the following UNTESTED SQL statement.

StrComp(SomeField, Ucase(someField),0) = 0 then its all uppercase
StrComp(SomeField,LCase(SomeField),0) = 0 then its all lowercase

StrComp(SomeField, Ucase(someField),0) <> 0 AND StrComp(SomeField,
LCase(someField),0) <> 0 Then it is mixed case

SELECT SomeField
, Abs(Sum(StrComp(SomeField, Ucase(someField),0) = 0)) as UcaseCount
, Abs(Sum(StrComp(SomeField, LCase(someField),0) = 0)) as LCaseCount
, Abs(Sum(StrComp(SomeField, Ucase(someField),0) <> 0 AND
StrComp(SomeField, LCase(someField),0) <> 0)) as MixedCount
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY SomeField

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

John W. Vinson

Hello, I am trying to query a text field to return the count of entries by
case, ie count of Mixed Case, lower case and UPPER CASE entries.

Is this at all possible?

If I understand you create a Query with three calculated fields:

Upper: IIF(StrComp([field], UCase([field]), 0) = 0, 1, 0)
Lower: IIF(StrComp([field], LCase([field]), 0) = 0, 1, 0)
Mixed: IIF(StrComp([field], UCase([field]), 0) = 0 OR StrComp([field],
LCase([field]), 0) = 0, 0, 1)

This query will return a 1 in Upper if [field] is upper case, etc.

Make it a Totals query and Sum the three fields to get a count of each.

Michel Walsh

As example, with


the result is

fieldOfName theCount
hello 3
hellO 1
Hello 2
HEllo 1

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