case insensitive column sort for datagrid control




I am sorting a data grid column using the following code:

DataView vw = (DataView)this.DataSource;
string sort = vw.Table.Columns[col].ColumnName + " ASC";

It works fine but i would like to make it case insensitive so cap "A" and
lower "a" appear grouped together.

Any ideas how to do this?


Damon Payne

This might be a little more work than you were hoping:
Implement your own comparator that is able to call ToUpper on string
fields so case doesn't matter. Set the comparator up so that you pass
it the name of the property you wish to sort on. Add your rows to an
ArrayList and call Sort( your comparor here). Does this make sense?

Ilya Tumanov [MS]

I believe it is case insensitive by default and 'A' should be grouped with

If that's not the case, you can tweak DataTable.CaseSensitive property.

Best regards,


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