carriage return remover



I need to find a small program or macro that will remove carriage returns from a highlighted area of text. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, they would be appreciated.

PS: I parse Internet real estate ads to Word and thence to Excel to help non-French find apartments in Paris.

Jim Macklin

Do you mean that you want to remove the hard line break and
have the text be one monolithic block of text?

Or do you mean that you are seeing the carriage return
symbol at the end of the lines?

What word processor are you using, WORD, WORKS, WordPerfect,
or something else?

You can use the spell-checker to find carriage returns (set
the view to show returns) and then use the find/replace
function to replace returns with a space.

Or, use the view menu to hide the return arrow.

| I need to find a small program or macro that will remove
carriage returns from a highlighted area of text. If anyone
has any ideas or suggestions, they would be appreciated.
| PS: I parse Internet real estate ads to Word and thence
to Excel to help non-French find apartments in Paris.

David Candy

WordBasic.EditReplace Find:="^0013", Replace:=" ", Direction:=0, MatchCase:=0, WholeWord:=0, PatternMatch:=0, SoundsLike:=0, ReplaceAll:=1, Format:=0, Wrap:=0
WordBasic.CharRight 1

Create a macro (Tools - Macros - Macro - Create) and paste above three lines in between the Sub ... - End Sub. Assign to key, menu, or toolbar.

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