Cardfile from windows98 to XP



I Have some addresses on cardfile in windows 98 and would
like to import them into address book in windows XP,but
don't know how to import the data

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

Not sure you can. If you can save the cardfile data file as a tab delimited
file (You'll know whether or not you can by checking the drop down list in
the file type box when you click save as on the file menu in cardfile) then
you might be able to import them into the address book but I don't think
this will happen clean, meaning you'll have to do a lot of manual work
putting everything in the proper fields.

Most likely, you've going to have to manually enter the data in address
book. These are two completely different applications with completely
different data formats and not designed to work together. Still, try the
above, it's worth a shot.

David Candy

Install cardfile on XP from your 98 disks.. It works (haven't tried clipbook but if well written it also will work). The XP dialer can't dial my modem but cardfile can.

Windows 98 but not 95 includes two programs from Windows 3.1 & 3.11 / Windows for Workgroups (WFW) 3.1 & 3.11 (Windows 3.1, 3.11. and WFW 3.1 are basically the same program - 3.11 included bug fixes amd WFW 3.1 included networking, WFW 3.11 was a substantial upgrade and included toolbars and VCache) despite official Microsoft statements to the contrary (see Q159852).

These are Cardfile and Clipbook. Cardfile is a simple database that can have pictures in it and dial numbers, it is supplied without a help file in Windows 98. Clipbook is similar to Clipboard Viewer but allows multiple items to be saved and allows the sharing of the clipboard over the network. There is no way to get Windows to install these programs, they must be manually installed.

The easiest way to install is to type SFC in the Start - Run... dialog box and choose Extract a file. Enter the following filenames one at a time;

cardfile.execlipbook.execlipsrv.execlipbook.hlpCreate a new folder in your Programs Files folder, it can be called anything (perhaps Progs311) and copy the three .exe files here. Copy the .hlp file to C:\Windows\Help. Select all three .exe files and drag on to the Start Menu.

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