capturing from file download dialog




I open a file download dialog from a modal dialog...From the file
download dialog i can either save or open the file.. Is there a way i
can let the modal dialog that opens the file download dialog know
whether the user has clicked on the open button or the save button of
the file download dialog??



I open a file download dialog from a modal dialog...From the file
download dialog i can either save or open the file.. Is there a way i
can let the modal dialog that opens the file download dialog know
whether the user has clicked on the open button or the save button of
the file download dialog??

Not that I know of. The browser handles that. Another alternative is
to have a page that allows them to select open or save. If the open
the are redirected directly to the file. If they click save, you force
a download by modifying the response header and stream the file down.

- Manit

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