Capturing a word sequence as part of a text in a spreadsheet cell



Hi all
I wonder if you can help me with a query I have. I want to find the number
of cells in a row (for example row A) which contain the word London. The
problem is that in some cell the word is contained as part of other text so
if for example the cell A1 contains the text “50 Kingsway, London, WC1†the
function =if(A1="London",1,0) returns the value of 0 failing to capture the
word “London†which is contained in the cell. Can you propose a solution? Can
I do that with VB?
The problem is that I have a spreadsheet with 80,000 cells in row A so I
need to have 80,000 cells in row B that will check the values of row A (eg B2
will perform the check in A2). This would make my desktop really slow to
perform the checks. Can you help with that issue as well? Thank you in

Ron Rosenfeld

Hi all
I wonder if you can help me with a query I have. I want to find the number
of cells in a row (for example row A) which contain the word London. The
problem is that in some cell the word is contained as part of other text so
if for example the cell A1 contains the text “50 Kingsway, London, WC1” the
function =if(A1="London",1,0) returns the value of 0 failing to capture the
word “London” which is contained in the cell. Can you propose a solution? Can
I do that with VB?
The problem is that I have a spreadsheet with 80,000 cells in row A so I
need to have 80,000 cells in row B that will check the values of row A (eg B2
will perform the check in A2). This would make my desktop really slow to
perform the checks. Can you help with that issue as well? Thank you in

One way is to use wild cards in the COUNTIF function:




And the last question:
Adopting Ron’s proposal I want check three cells in the same row to make
sure that I didn’t count the word more than once. Thus, I will use the
function =IF(COUNTIF(I1:L1,"*London*")>1,1,COUNTIF(I1:L1,"*London*")). And as
a last step I want to add all the results without using 80,000 functions thus
something like:
How can I do that?

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