Can't write to file



I am trying to use the streamwriter to write to a text file

I declare the streamwriter publically at the beginning

im filename As String

Dim Drive As String

Dim oFile As System.IO.File

Dim ofile2 As System.IO.File

Dim nopatch As System.IO.StreamWriter

Dim error1 As System.IO.StreamWriter

Dim testfile As System.IO.StreamWriter

Dim dir As String

After a button click I try to write some data ased on conditions. The files
appear but they are empty. I check the values of the variables and they all
of text associated

'create the initial output files and directories

dir = TextBox3.Text & "\"


nopatch = oFile.CreateText(dir & "nopatch.txt")

error1 = ofile2.CreateText(dir & "error.txt")

testfile = oFile.CreateText("C:\output\test.txt")


Actual Write process

Catch ex As Exception

exout = ex.ToString

errorout = computer & "," & servername & "," & exout




End Try


No error messages, but I figured out that it doesn't write to the file until
I close it. So I am using the append method followed by a close.

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