Cant view Stored Procedures in Access 2000 ADP



Hi everyone,

I've searched on MS, through groups and still cant find a solution to
my problem. I'm using Access 2000 SP3 with SQL Server 2000 SP4, I have
SQL client tools installed on my dev box also.

When I try and edit a stored procedure in my Access ADP I just get the
following error - ADO error could not find 'dt_getproctdef'. Has anyone
been here before, and have any advise? MS seems to think any
compatibility issues were resolved with the SP's listed above? Before I
re-install any of the above I want to check that this not not a known

Thanks in advance,


Sylvain Lafontaine

Maybe you don't use a dbo owner account to access the SQL-Server? Even if
it's not mandatory, ADP is really particular when you don't use a dbo
account with SQL-Server. If you have the client tools, use EM to make sure
that the owner of dt_getproctdef is dbo and not some other user.

BTW, I don't see why you insist to use ADP to edit the schema of your
database if you do have the SQL client tools.

Finally, even with the latest SP for Access 2000, ADP 2000 still does have
many bugs that are not there with ADP 2003; so it won't be a bad idea to
upgrade to A2003 if you want to play with ADP. (ADP 2003 still have many
bugs but much less than ADP 2000). There is also Access 2007 that is around
the corner but I did not have the pleasure to test it yet.


BECASE ADP IS A _SUPERIOR_IDE_ for developing sql sprocs / views?

Can you COPY and PASTE a sproc or view in EM or QA or SSMS?

ADP is superior to all of those IDE and nobody seems to notice anymore

also; i strongly agree that you should upgrade to 2002/ 2003- the
environment for viewing SQL Statements 'in design view' is second to
none-- the best environment anywhere

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