Can't view hidden files - Help!



Hi, before you read on, I have already set folder options to view hidden
files and folders and to allow me to view system files :( and disallowed
simple file sharing.

I have installed XP PRO SP1on a new drive and thought I could just copy
files over from my old drive. Things like my email databases (*.dbx) etc.
Done it heaps of times in WIN98 with no problem. But no matter how much I
try I can not view anything in the hidden ...\Application
Data\Identities\...\Microsoft\Outlook Express\ folder where the old *.dbx
files are located. If I do a search and select "search hidden folders" etc.
I can sometimes find the dbx files but not any other way. I can't even see
the same hidden directories on my new C drive. I know for a fact that they
are there buy windoes just won't let me view them. Naturally I am logged on
as a member of the administrator group (default user).

The only thing I have seriously changed when doing the clean install was
that I formated C to NTFS. My old XP PRO install was on FAT32.

I can't find any Knowledge Base artice on this issue so hope someone here
can help


Walter Beach

Well I'll try and offer you some advice... you've put '...' at the beginning
so I'm not sure where your looking now.

See in Windows XP it now has seperate identies unlike windows 98. In
windows 98 all files were just kinda dumped in the same spot. Now they are
all seperated.

Where they are in Xp is

C:\Documents and Settings\Walter Beach\Local Settings\Application

For my computer anyways.

What I did to find this folder is just search for 'outlook'

When you search for things you also must have more then the hidden files and
folders unchecked you must also, within search, go into more advanced
options and check to have it search in hidden files and folders.

Hope this helps.

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