Can't send/rcv Outlook2003



My Outlook 2003 Pro SP2 fails to send/receive every time since the latest
updates about 3/28/06. I think there were mebbe 3 updates from MS.
I have now even removed two updates, and the Outlook Backup utility...

I have tried Repair twice [once for entire Office from install disk, once
from Help and I even Uninstalled Outlook via unchecking on the Install Disk
setup, then reinstalling it.

Symptoms are:
1] every time I launch Outlook I get a cursor with small hourglass attached.

2] I can open an email from the Inbox, but that message will not close via
ESC key, only via mouse-on-X.

3] I reviewed Email Accounts setup to be correct, and ISP agrees, yet Test
Account Settings fails on "Log onto incoming mail server (POP3)" and on "Send
test e-mail message"

4] Errors tab the shows "...The specified server was found, but there was no
response from the server. etc." and "Log onto incoming mail server (POP3):
The specified server was found, but there was no response from server. etc"
I verified ports 110 and 25, Server Timeouts: 2 min 10 sec [Originally I had
this at 9 min]

5] I even reduced my backlog of Outlook Followup Reminders by one-third to
see if that could be choking the system.

6] Often but not always OUTLOOK.EXE is stealing ~100% of CPU cycles as shown
in Windows Task Manager/Processes. After ending this process and
disappearing Outlook from my screen, there is still another OUTLOOK.EXE
taking all the CPU cycles as shown in Windows Task Manager/Processes. I have
to then End Process on that one to quiet the CPU.

I sometimes also get error message "Have to lose data" even in
Windows Explorer.
IE 6.0.2900.2180 SP2 working ok LAN to to Netgear Router to broadband
Gateway is ok. Another computer on my home network is handling email ok.
WinXPpro 5.1 2600 sp2

What else can I do? 04.05.06

Brian Tillman

ownersedge said:
My Outlook 2003 Pro SP2 fails to send/receive every time since the
latest updates about 3/28/06. I think there were mebbe 3 updates from
I have now even removed two updates, and the Outlook Backup utility...

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