cant send email


carlos a

i cant send out emails, it looks like it goes out ( it goes into my sent
folder) but it doesnt go out. i can hit reply and it goes out but i cant
creat a new message.
i have tried to email my self with no luck, but it does show in my sent

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


carlos a said:
i cant send out emails, it looks like it goes out ( it goes into my sent
folder) but it doesnt go out. i can hit reply and it goes out but i cant
creat a new message.
i have tried to email my self with no luck, but it does show in my sent

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Gary VanderMolen

How do you know the email doesn't go out?

Which antivirus program are you running? Some of them are not very
compatible with Windows mail.

carlos a

hello and thanks in advance
i am using windows mail, i am not getting any error messages when i create a
new email and hit send it just goes to my sent floder

it is a comcast email im wondering if its an isp issue

carlos a

i know because im sending my self emails and also sending emails to other
emails account and they are not getting there.
i can however hit reply or forward and it goes through.

i am using windows mail, i am not getting any error messages when i create a
new email and hit send it just goes to my sent floder

it is a comcast email im wondering if its an isp issue
im running syware doctor

Gary VanderMolen

Actually, there is no "sent" folder. Are the outgoing messages going
to the "Sent Items" folder or are they staying in the "Outbox" folder?

Spyware Doctor is not an antivirus. Don't you have an antivirus program
like Norton or McAfee antivirus?

Comcast is fairly reliable. However, they have changed the sending port
recently. Check your settings against their latest instructions:


Spyware Doctor is an antispyware program, not an antivirus program.
Antivirus and antispyware programs look for different types of malware.
Check your list of installed programs and tell about anything you see
that's from Norton, McAfee, Trend, Symantec, or PC Tools.

While you're looking at that list, also check for these three programs:
Google Toolbar, Google Desktop, and SMS Desktop. If you see any
of these three, uninstall them, since they cause problems in Windows
Mail. Web sites that let you do a Google search are not a problem.

If the outgoing mail gets to your Sent Items folder, Windows Mail
thinks it has been able to send it, and usually is correct about this.

Note that Comcast has started requiring its users to change a few
things such as the port number for their outgoing mail server, but
has not been good about telling their users about this in advance.
They don't seem to have added these changes to their setup
instructions for Windows Mail, but their instructions for Outlook
Express do have these changes and should also work under
Windows Mail if you avoid the One Click Fix. Make sure you
continue to the end of the instructions, even if you are told sooner
that your setup is complete.


This is the error message that I keep getting... I am running Trends, Webroot
Spy and vista HELP please...

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Subject '', Account: ' ', Server: '',
Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

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