can't send e-mail



please help-- useing windows vista,trying to send e-mail,keep getting error
messages,host imap could not be found,error#ex800cc0d and also #ox800ccof

Gary VanderMolen

"imap" is not a proper mail server name. Your account settings aren't correct.

Who provides your email service? Or to ask that question another way,
what is the part of your email address after the @ symbol?
Your mail provider will typically have a web page that shows how to
set up an email program. If you need more help, tell us the name of
your email service provider.

Also, your error message is not complete. Right-click on your error
message, copy, then paste it into a reply here.
We can't do much troubleshooting without the complete error message.

David Steinborn

I am having same problem, I have just downloaded live,com and when I try to
send I get error message not found same with yahoo and netzero

Gary VanderMolen

Please explain what "downloaded" means.
Which email program are you using?

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