Can't run reports in Access 2003



This is very weird. I have a couple of users who suddenly stopped being able
to open any reports (in any of preview, normal or design modes). This
manifested itself in my application as error 2501 (no data or user pressed
cancel), although there certainly is data. While trying to debug this issue,
I copied my development mdb to the user's machine (they usually run an mde),
and tried to relink the tables to a local copy of the data. However when
going into the linked table manager, none of the linked tables showed up in
the list.

Anyway, today these two users are suddenly working again, although I have
not knowingly changed anything. Meanwhile, another user who was previously
working fine, is now getting a similar problem (unable to get at any reports
in any mode, although for this user the linked table manager is working OK).

The problem is not confined to a particular database. I tried creating a
brand new database, no tables or anything, and tried to design a new report,
but it would not happen.

What is going on here?!

Al Camp

Pretty hard to say, but 2501 is a "No Data" error. Probably, had you
been able to re-link, that might have solved the problem.

The blank screen on Link Table Manager is a known "bug".
Re-register accwiz.dll (located in the same folder where Access 2003
is installed)

In the Windows Run ... (use your appropriate path)

Regsvr32 "path\ACCWIZ.DLL"

Al Camp
Candia Computer Consulting - Candia NH



The 2501 error was coming from the mde (which was linked to valid data, so
that was not the problem). From what you've said I'm inclined to think that
perhaps the two issues were not related, just coincidentally happened at the
same, although as I write this, that does sound spectacularly unlikely!

Anyway, the user who is currently experiencing the report problem does not
have the linked table manager problem, and from my experiment with the new
database it can't possibly be a missing data issue as I can't even create a
new unbound report.

Thanks for the tip on the linked table manager bug though. I'll remember
that if it happens again.


Norman Yuan

Sounds like a network conecction problem, especially the printer/back end
*.mdb is on the network share. You can verify it by copy the back end to
your developing machine and link to your FE (you may also want to have a
local printer). Check for bad network hardware (NIC, hub, cable...).



Thanks for your input. I don't think it's a network problem. The users in
quesstion can get at the data fine (all the forms are working correctly) so
they're obviously connected OK, and other users are managing to open the
reports so it's not a problem with a particular printer. As I said, I can't
even open any reports in design mode. It's like the whole report subsystem
within Access has just shut down. Very strange.




I am experiencing the same problem - were you able to identify the cause?

Ed Cashman


Seems that Access doesn't consistently recognise networked printers. If you
set your default printer to a different (preferably local) printer you may
have better luck. Other threads suggest updating your printer drivers, but I
haven't tried this yet. One specific suggestion I have seen is to install the
printer as a local printer first (you don't necessarily need to have it
connected locally, just make sure it is installed as a local printer). Once
you've done this, you can then edit the 'Ports' tab to add the printer's IP

Hope this helps,



Thanks for your help - as I was pressed for time yesterday, I hunted online a
bit further and found the network printer to be the culprit - so I got my
quick fix. But I will try your suggestions for a more permanent fix.

Thanks again.

Ed C.

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