Can't Remove Folder on Desktop


Chad Harris

I hope I explain this well enough for help. Occasionally I make a new
folder on the desktop to save info that I can't move, rename, or delete
***until I reboot, and then I can do those things*** even going to the
*C:\Documents and Settings\Chad Harris\Desktop* folder or to *Desktop in
Windows Explorer* and trying those same actions from there.

Here's what happens sometimes and puzzles me now:

I find some little tidbit of info I may have trouble remembering later, so
I make a notepad with the info. I wanted to remember that if I type these
things into a run box or activated address bar within the taskbar, I'll open
certain programs. wmplayer=wmp9 open; mplayer2=wmp6.4 open; mplayer=wmp
6.4 open. I can't figure out how to bring up any more versions of WMP in XP
unless I download them from outside. So I can reference the info I put the
notepads(s) with the info it into a new folder on the desktop. Then I name
it " Windows Media Player Run Box" and right click drag it into another
large folder on the desktop where I keep those things. *Nothing at all to
do with that folder is "open" or "in use." I'm administrator and no one else
is using it on a network or any domain. If I decide to move,rename or
delete it either on a right click or a Ctrl+Shift up pops a box that says I
cannot do any of those things "it is being used by another person or
program. Close that program and try again."!!!!!!!!!!!!! No program I can
see is "using it" and nothing to do with it remotely is "open."

Also I gave it an icon face with a right click from the Windows Media Player
Encoder folder and the *icon face appeared in the original on the desktop*
and the icon face disappeared after the right click and the folder on the
desktop is empty. However the copy has all the original information in
notepads, and retained its icon "face."

What's up with the strange behavior of the original folder on the desktop
that it can't essentially be modified renamed or deleted and why did a
right click copy cause this when it usually of course does not. ***What
about rebooting alone will enable me to get rid of this stuborn empty folder
I can't get rid of by going into Windows Explorer or it's origin at
C:\Documents and Settings\Chad Harris\Desktop???***

Thanks very much in advance. Would be *very appreciative* to understand
what's going on "behind the Windows scenes" when this occurs.

Chad Harris

Chad Harris

*Clarification of Problem Above*

I want to make clear that what I did was to make a folder on the desktop,
put some notepad info in it, gave it an icon face by right
clicking>customize button>change icon button and then I right click drag
copied it into another large folder on my desktop which I do all the time
without this result, and at that point the original on the desktop lost the
contents (it's empty) and also its icon face I made by right
clicking>"change icon" disappeared, but everything is intact with the copied
folder. I can't get rid of, move, or delete the original on the desktop
though from anyplace desktop>explorer>C:\Documents and Settings\User
Name|Desktop (the places I consider to be the source.


Chad Harris


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