Can't reinstall printer software for Lexmark X85 under win XP



LEXMARK X 85 printer

Window home XP
Service Pack 2 installed

Trying to reload my printer software will not recognize
my printer.

Here is the message I receive,

16 Bit windows subsystem

C: windows\system32\auto exec.nt

The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and
Microsoft windows applications
Choose and close to terminate this application.

*The programs almost installs but near the end where it
ask to connect you USB cable the screen goes into a mode
where the hour glass and the icon just blinks off and on.

It shows the following

Software for your new hardware (scanner and printer this
process may take up to two minutes.
To begin connect USB cable to you computer and printer

This is as far as it goes before going into the blinking
mode as stated above *

When I abort the program I then get another error block
which states,

INST monitor
Failed add monitor
( ) -3006

Any ideas on what's happening or better yet can anyone

Thank you


Yes I tryed that out yesterday with your advice. No luck
same problem. Micrsoft Service Pack 2 may have caused
the problem. This all started when I loaded the service
pack 2

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