Can't receive some messages



I'm running Outlook 2003 sp3 on a Home Vista laptop. When I Send/Receive,
messages under about 20K come through fine. Anything larger won't come
through. I've changed the timeout to 5 minutes and it doesn't help. I
eventually get error 0x8004210A. This does not happen with all POP accounts (
I have 3 set up on this Vista Home laptop)....only with the two accounts at
one particular ISP-- They of course say it's not their problem. I set up this
POPs and downloaded just fine on another computer running Outlook 2003 on XP.
I have cleaned out all the e-mails via Web mail at the ISP and then test it
by sending an e-mail to myself that's over 20K -- still hangs at 20K or so.
I've tried everything I can think of except uninstalling and reinstalling.
ANy thoughts!

K. Orland

How often are you polling for mail? Do you have antivirus actively scanning
incoming and outgoing emails?


Hi....It's set to receive every 5 minutes. Also uninstalled my Antivirus
program (Kaspersky). Thanks for your reply.

K. Orland

So your timeout period is 5 minutes, your polling is 5 minutes, and you're
receiving mail for 3 different e-mail accounts? Try changing your polling to
10 minutes.

You don't need to uninstall antivirus, just install it without configuring
the integration with Outlook. Your real time scanner will catch whatever it's
updated for.


OK...did all that and didn't help... here's an example of the problem. When
the "Receiving message 1 of X (XXKBof XXKB)" shows up at the bottom, it
quickly goes to around 21 or 22 KB and then stops (unless the message is
under 20KB...those come through)

K. Orland

You should enable viewing your send/receive progress and see if there are any
error messages and numbers?


Per my previous is the error message I get. I uninstalled and
re-installed Outlook by the way. At this point It looks like I'm goiing to
have to get a new computer...I don't know what else to do :)

Task ' - Receiving' reported error (0x8004210A) : 'The
operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP) server.
If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or
Internet service provider (ISP).'


Try setting up a new POP account with Speakeasy and testing with the new
account. Sometimes things go wrong with POP accounts that can only be resolved
by deleting and recreating the account.

If you can delete and recreate your existing Speakeasy account, that would be
even better. That's what I have to do with my own shared server when I cannot
solve the problem any other way.

K. Orland

Reinstalling Oulook rarely solves an existing problem. First, reverify that
your account settings are correct for the one account by checking it against
the recommended settings on your ISP website.

Also, try to unregister/register inetcomm.dll.

How to:
* open a command prompt
* type: regsvr32 /u \windows\system32\inetcomm.dll
* type: regsv32 \windows\system32\inetcomm.dll
* close command prompt and reboot

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