Can't open two DataReaders to the same connection


Cyril Gupta

I don't know if I am outdated or is my grouse still valid.

I am trying to connect two concurrent DataReader objects to the same
connection, but the attempt fails with the error "Another DataReader is
already open, it needs to be closed.. bla..bla.."

Using good old ADO I could connect as many Recordsets I wanted through one
connection, so how come ADO.Net is not allowing me to connect two

I think I read somewhere that this can be done through .Net Framework 2.0.
Is this true? How stable is .Net 2.0? Are there any big issues that I should
know about?

My application will be distributed as a packaged software, so it should be
as stable as possible.

Please do send me your ideas.

Cyril Gupta

Paul Clement

¤ I don't know if I am outdated or is my grouse still valid.
¤ I am trying to connect two concurrent DataReader objects to the same
¤ connection, but the attempt fails with the error "Another DataReader is
¤ already open, it needs to be closed.. bla..bla.."
¤ Using good old ADO I could connect as many Recordsets I wanted through one
¤ connection, so how come ADO.Net is not allowing me to connect two
¤ DataReaders?
¤ I think I read somewhere that this can be done through .Net Framework 2.0.
¤ Is this true? How stable is .Net 2.0? Are there any big issues that I should
¤ know about?

I believe the feature you are referring to (called MARS) is specific to SQL Server 2005.

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)

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