Can't open remote web or publish to server in FP2002 or 2003


Rev. Kermit

I get the ubiquitous Port 80 error: "Could not find a web server at .... on
port 80. Check proxy settings..." etc. Extensions have been tested & work
fine. It's not the server. I've tried connecting to my remote server using
both FP 2002 & 2003 in Win XP Home. FP works fine as an editor of my disk
copy of the web, but not when I try to publish to web server. (Problem is
NOT server extensions; other pc's can connect publish no problem.) One day
it works, then 2-3 weeks can go by & it won't work. I have repaired the
network connection, tried all: reboot, rest, clean ".web & cmdui.prf" files,
repair FP, uninstall & reinstall FP. Nothing seems to cure the problem. I
have a Win98se PC which will connect to the server, but I'm leery to use it
because when I open the file list, ½ of the names are upper & mixed upper &
lower case letters. They all appear as small case lettered filenames in
explorer, file manager & other ways to see actual files. Since case matters
to existing hyperlinks, I'm reluctant to publish changed pages for fear of
broken links resulting. I went back to FP2000, after removing traces of
others, & it works! But, I have already created pages, forms & elements in
FP2003 & if I publish those changes using FP2000, will they still function?

Rev. Kermit

chris leeds

you should be OK using the different version but for the sake of safety and
sanity I'd make a back up copy and .zip it (just so you can't mess it up no
matter what) and take it from there.


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP FrontPage

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
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