Can't open iTunes, Please help!



Can someone help me?

I just installed Window vista today and now when i clicked on itune, It
states "the folder 'itunes' is on a locked disc or you do not have write
permision for this folder". Can someone help me how to get itune working?


Have you tried security settings and taking ownership of the folder ?
I'm not sure if this will help but I had a similar problem with a card
reader and it seems to have solved the problem.


where do i go to check for security settings or taking ownership of the
folder? Any help I would really appreciate. Thank you

Bill Frisbee

Which version of iTunes?

There seem to be a lot of reports of issues with iTunes 7 crashing under
Vista Beta2 and RC1. Unfortunately Apple doesn't officially support iTunes
under Vista, so you may have to wait until a version is released that does

Bill F.

Chad Harris

Hi Will--

I haven't had any trouble with the latest version of Itunes 7.01 , the
latest version of Ipod Software Version 1.2, which is separate from Itunes
and listed on the Ipod in About and needed for the Nike + Ipod Sport running
software on the latest version of Vista.

This is p the fix for your problem:

-Find your Itunes Music Libary file. (in OSX its in Home>music>itunes)
- Right-click the file
-Get info
- Uncheck the "locked" box.
- You will be fixed.

For additional reference on permissions, but not your issue:

How to take ownership of a file or folder in Windows XP

How to set, view, change, or remove special permissions for files and
folders in Windows XP

This essentially works in Vista and if you do a search on the name Jimmy
Brush here you'll get some excleent posts on the features of UAC in Vista.

Best regards,


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