Cant install Vista on new drive



Ok heres the thing..i bought a brand new drive..a seagate 160gb and windows
vista premium.
I plug in windows and start asks me to hit any key to boot from
cd or dvd ..then it loads windows files
Then the blue green screen comes up with the following:
Copying Windows Files
Expanding files
Installing Features
Completing Installation

All goes well up to the Installing then says it has to i let it..then it does then it comes back to the hit key to boot
from cd or dvd and then does the whole process over again..and if at the
second time if i dont hit any key to boot from cd hangs there til i
reboot and does the same thing over and continuous loop
Anyone have any suggestion?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

During setup, did you create a new partition, then format
that new partition as you should have? A brand new drive
needs to have at least one formatted primary partition before
Vista can install properly.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User



Ok heres the thing..i bought a brand new drive..a seagate 160gb and windows
vista premium.
I plug in windows and start asks me to hit any key to boot from
cd or dvd ..then it loads windows files
Then the blue green screen comes up with the following:
Copying Windows Files
Expanding files
Installing Features
Completing Installation

All goes well up to the Installing then says it has to i let it..then it does then it comes back to the hit key to boot
from cd or dvd and then does the whole process over again..and if at the
second time if i dont hit any key to boot from cd hangs there til i
reboot and does the same thing over and continuous loop
Anyone have any suggestion?


i sure did..already had windows installed once on it...formatted it again to
install win Xp pro back on and couldnt do that either.

nicholas hall

If you pressed a key on your keyboard the second time then that is your

When you see that message then just do NOT press any keys, the install will
carry on.



Yea nic i did that..the very first time i did the install i DIDNT hit any key
to boot from cd or dvd and it just hung on that screen for an hour...

David Vair

If neither XP nor Vista installed you may have a bum drive. Just because its new doesn't mean it
can't have issues.


It sounds like the HD is Trashed bud...exactly the same thing happened to me
with a western dig Drive...swapped for a seagate Barracuda and sailed along


You don't happen to be running an Asus motherboard are you? I won't go into
details now but I have an A8N32-SLI Deluxe (there are others in this series)
and running into strange happenings with SATA and IDE drive configurations.

Bob S.

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