cant figure out what is causes server-side validation

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I was just dropped into someone else's code (isn't that always so fun?).

I can't figure out why a custom validation control's server event function
is executing. There is nothing (that I see) in page_load, or elsewhere,
that says page.validate, no control says "causesvalidation=true", and the
AutoEventWireup is set to false. So I would think that the control's
server event function would NOT execute, but it does execute right after
page_load. I want to call page.validate (followed by if page.isvalid ...)
elsewhere, but that means that the event function code will run twice, which
I don't want.

Where else do I look to see why the custom validator's event function is
executing on the server after page_load?
Page.IsValid is what triggers server side validation

-- bruce (

| I was just dropped into someone else's code (isn't that always so fun?).
| I can't figure out why a custom validation control's server event function
| is executing. There is nothing (that I see) in page_load, or elsewhere,
| that says page.validate, no control says "causesvalidation=true", and the
| AutoEventWireup is set to false. So I would think that the control's
| server event function would NOT execute, but it does execute right after
| page_load. I want to call page.validate (followed by if page.isvalid
| elsewhere, but that means that the event function code will run twice,
| I don't want.
| Where else do I look to see why the custom validator's event function is
| executing on the server after page_load?
It is going to the validation function BEFORE page.validate & page.isvalid.
That's what puzzles me. I know it will go there upon page.validate, but
can't figure out what else BEFORE that is triggering it.
The Button control calls Page.Validate() internally just before it calls any
Click event handler. CausesValidation=true is the true. So if you don't see
it listed in the ASP.NET definition of the button, Page.Validate() is being

Only when Page.Validate() or the individual validator's Validate() method is
called will the validator run its custom evaluation function.

In your case, its clear that the button is calling Page.Validate for you and
that is running your event method.

--- Peter Blum
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Creator of "Professional Validation And More" at
I appreciate the reply, but I'm still a bit confused.

I don't have any submit buttons. Instead I'm using an "HtmlInputImage"
control (an image button). In its properties, it does not show any
"CausesValidation" property, either.
I see that intellisense does bring up a CausesValidation property on my
HtmlInputImage "button". I set it to false in page_load, but the
server-side function is still running. In case it makes any difference, I
have text boxes, pulldowns, and text inside a user control on this page.
What else could be causing validation??? I'm pulling my hair out over this.
I recently posted this thread that breaks the process down in detail:

The CausesValidation=false prevents your HtmlInputImage button from
automatically calling Page.Validate(). If your custom validator's evaluation
method is getting called, it MUST be due to a call to Page.Validate() or
your own validator's Validate() method. There is no magic here. The code
executes based on specific conditions.

So if you cannot find Page.Validate() or Validate() on your individual
validator on this page, then you must assume its getting called by the image
button that ASP.NET thinks submitted the page. If you have Visual, you can put a breakpoint in your server side method. When its
hit, look through the call stack to see what invoked it.
You can also check that CausesValidation is false at this time. I bet its

A common mistake in Page_Load is to put code inside IF Not IsPostBack
statements when it belongs available at all times. Did you do this with

--- Peter Blum
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Creator of "Professional Validation And More" at
Thanks for your reply. OK, I've done more evaluation and testing, but
still no luck...

The page has 2 image buttons, one at the top and one at the bottom. Both
are definitely set to "causesvalidation=false" everywhere, and I've
confirmed such by testing the variables in the command window at every stage
of running the page. And no "causesvalidation=false" lines of code are
within an "if/then" condition.

Remember, in case it makes any difference, that the page has a user control
within it, containing text boxes and 4 custom validators, but that control
has no image or standard buttons, and nothing that has a causesvalidation
property (to the best of my knowledge and i've looked hard now).

I run the page.
I click the image button which is on the page, under the user control.
The page_load fires for the main page
The page_load fires for the user control
The next thing that fires is the sub for the image's ServerClick
That ServerClick sub calls page.validate (I understand this will trigger
validation ONCE)
The user control's CustomValidator1 sub runs, as I would expect
The user control's CustomValidator2 sub runs, as I would expect
The user control's CustomValidator3 sub runs, as I would expect
The user control's CustomValidator4 sub runs, as I would expect
*** this is where I'm absolutely puzzled, here down ***
The user control's CustomValidator1 sub runs AGAIN, as I would NOT expect
The user control's CustomValidator2 sub runs AGAIN, as I would NOT expect
The user control's CustomValidator3 sub runs AGAIN, as I would NOT expect
The user control's CustomValidator4 sub runs AGAIN, as I would NOT expect
control returns back to the next line after page.validate, which is "If
page.IsValid ..."

The call stack doesn't seem to show anything helpful. It just shows that
the source on each entry into a custom validator's sub is itself

The validators are also not making any extra calls to functions that could
potentially do another page.validate. They simply check simple things like
the length of a textbox field.

Any ideas???
Server-side validation is by default. Look into the custom validator
control that provides for a server_validate function, for the rest of
the controls, it is managed andin-built by ASP.Net.

ASP.Net is a disconnected environment and is not like the Windows local
environment where you can cause the validate function to occur on a

with regards,

- http://www.MSDNAA.Net
- Or, just search on "J.V.Ravichandran"
I found the solution/answer.

The pages were using a custom template base class.

The 1.1 framework had a bug that dropped validators when copying controls.
So you had to save a copy of validators before adding the page into the
template, and then add them back manually.

The recent 1.1 service pack fixed that bug.

My code had the bug workaround. My machine had the latest 1.1 fix. So the
code was effectively adding a copy of each validator, internally where I
couldn't see it, and that is why each validator event was firing twice even
though you would not see two of the same validator when examining the code!