Can't Delete in JUNK MAIL An Unknown Error Has Occurred



Please help. There is one email in my junk box that has no message and when I
click on it to delete it.... the error in a box "An Unknown Error Has
Occurred" comes up and will not delete. I am new to Vista and Microsoft
email, but have NEVER had this happen.

Gary VanderMolen

We think this problem is caused by using a non-compatible
antivirus program. There is evidence that replacing a non-compatible
antivirus program with a compatible one will reduce the incidence of
this problem. Windows Mail is not compatible with most McAfee or
Norton security programs. Those will need to be uninstalled.
Replace with a more compatible antivirus like the free Avast:

As far as the existing stuck message in the Junk E-mail folder,
it is best to just ignore it for now, because the 'fixes' that
are available are complex and not Microsoft approved, nor
do they prevent recurrence.
If the problem becomes worse, or you can't ignore it,
switch to Windows Live Mail:

Gary VanderMolen


select any folder other than your junk folder. then right click on your
junk folder and select the 'empty juck e-mail folder' option
Kind regards


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RE: Can't Delete in JUNK MAIL An Unknown Error Has Occurred

select any folder other than your junk folder. then right click on your
junk folder and select the 'empty juck e-mail folder' optio
Kind regard


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