Can't delete folder in PC problem.



Hi there,
Not sure how it happened but it involved trying to delete some Adobe Encore
project folders after moving them to a different location on the same D
drive. I was able to delete the contents of the folders but not the folders
themselves. There is nothing 'hidden' in the folders. This message appears
if I try to delete these empty <folders>
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure you specify the correct path and
file name."
A search in Widows XP Help and Support (Home) shows nothing I could find.
Does anyone know of a way to delete the folders and why it happened?

Rob Hemmings

Freddo said:
Hi there,
Not sure how it happened but it involved trying to delete some Adobe Encore
project folders after moving them to a different location on the same D
drive. I was able to delete the contents of the folders but not the folders
themselves. There is nothing 'hidden' in the folders. This message appears
if I try to delete these empty <folders>
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure you specify the correct path and
file name."
A search in Widows XP Help and Support (Home) shows nothing I could find.
Does anyone know of a way to delete the folders and why it happened?

It sounds like a disk corruption problem. At a command prompt (click
choose 'Run' then type "cmd" and press Enter), type "chkdsk d:". You could
also right-click on D: in My Computer, choose 'Properties' then 'Tools' then
'Check now'.


Thank you Rob, I will try tomorrow,

Rob Hemmings said:
It sounds like a disk corruption problem. At a command prompt (click
choose 'Run' then type "cmd" and press Enter), type "chkdsk d:". You could
also right-click on D: in My Computer, choose 'Properties' then 'Tools' then
'Check now'.

Barry OGrady

Hi there,
Not sure how it happened but it involved trying to delete some Adobe Encore
project folders after moving them to a different location on the same D
drive. I was able to delete the contents of the folders but not the folders
themselves. There is nothing 'hidden' in the folders. This message appears
if I try to delete these empty <folders>
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure you specify the correct path and
file name."
A search in Widows XP Help and Support (Home) shows nothing I could find.
Does anyone know of a way to delete the folders and why it happened?

If it's not read only it may be an ownership problem.
That can be changed in security settings.

Web page:
Atheist, radio scanner, LIPD information.


To my question on how to delete folders created by Adobe Encore, well thanks
for your suggestions.

I checked the disc for errors and it is OK.

I tried to delete the folders in Safe mode but with no luck.

My friend says that I won't be able to delete in Dos since it is still XP.

That it is Adobe naming folders with hidden or unprintable characters, I say
must be the problem to deleting these now empty folders.

Damn, there to stay I suppose.



Havok XP

I checked the disc for errors and it is OK.
I tried to delete the folders in Safe mode but with no luck.

My friend says that I won't be able to delete in Dos since it is still XP.

That it is Adobe naming folders with hidden or unprintable characters, I say
must be the problem to deleting these now empty folders.

Damn, there to stay I suppose.
Safe Mode with command prompt might let you remove them via rd <directory>
Another option would be a Windows 98/ME boot disk...well, if your drives are
FAT rather than NTFS

Hey, format always works :)


Freddo said:
To my question on how to delete folders created by Adobe Encore, well
thanks for your suggestions.

I checked the disc for errors and it is OK.

I tried to delete the folders in Safe mode but with no luck.

My friend says that I won't be able to delete in Dos since it is
still XP.

Use the Recovery Console.


To my question on how to delete folders created by Adobe Encore, well thanks
for your suggestions.

I checked the disc for errors and it is OK.

I tried to delete the folders in Safe mode but with no luck.

My friend says that I won't be able to delete in Dos since it is still XP.

That it is Adobe naming folders with hidden or unprintable characters, I say
must be the problem to deleting these now empty folders.

Damn, there to stay I suppose.

You could get a Windows 98 startup disc, run it and delete the
directories (RD <directory>) in DOS.

Only possibly if your file system is FAT32.

Sharon F

Hi there,
Not sure how it happened but it involved trying to delete some Adobe Encore
project folders after moving them to a different location on the same D
drive. I was able to delete the contents of the folders but not the folders
themselves. There is nothing 'hidden' in the folders. This message appears
if I try to delete these empty <folders>
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure you specify the correct path and
file name."
A search in Widows XP Help and Support (Home) shows nothing I could find.
Does anyone know of a way to delete the folders and why it happened?

There is a tutorial on the Adobe site that covers deleting Encore project
folders but I can't get at it because I don't have a login with them. Don't
know if it covers problems as well as the basics but may be worthwhile
checking it out. Adobe also has user forums at their site. The link for
those is listed in the support section of this page:

Lester Stiefel


Use the Recovery Console.

Make sure the folder you are trying to delete isn't listed
as a monitored folder, specifically in media players or
graphics tools and publishers. If the folder is listed as
the default "save-to" folder, you will not be able to delete
it until the application has that changed.

Lester Stiefel

There is a tutorial on the Adobe site that covers deleting Encore project
folders but I can't get at it because I don't have a login with them. Don't
know if it covers problems as well as the basics but may be worthwhile
checking it out. Adobe also has user forums at their site. The link for
those is listed in the support section of this page:

Open up Adobe encore and go to the settings area
(preferences) then look for the "default data folder" or
default projects folder. Change this setting to the new
location. Close prefs and Encore. Now try to delete the
folder you were not able to delete before. Also Clean out
any file history in the adobe Encore application.

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