Can't Copy User Profile



Trying to copy my user profile from one computer to another and I'm having a
problem. First I tried to copy the profile using Files and Settings Transfer
Wizard. I was able to create the profile file on the network, but when I try
and transfer it to the other computer, it stops with a "Has ancountered a
problem and needs to close" dialog box.

So instead of that I tried to copy the profile directly. I logged in as
another account with admin rights, but when I went to copy my profile, the
"copy to" box is grayed out/disabled. The button is available for other
profiles though. I found in my research that this could be caused by a
program running under my logon authority, so I tried in safe mode and had the
same problem.

I have admin rights on both computers, so I don't think its a security
problem. Does anyone have any other suggestions?


Shenan Stanley

Brian said:
Trying to copy my user profile from one computer to another and I'm
having a problem. First I tried to copy the profile using Files and
Settings Transfer Wizard. I was able to create the profile file on
the network, but when I try and transfer it to the other computer,
it stops with a "Has ancountered a problem and needs to close"
dialog box.

So instead of that I tried to copy the profile directly. I logged
in as another account with admin rights, but when I went to copy my
profile, the "copy to" box is grayed out/disabled. The button is
available for other profiles though. I found in my research that
this could be caused by a program running under my logon authority,
so I tried in safe mode and had the same problem.

I have admin rights on both computers, so I don't think its a
security problem. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Did you reboot and log in first with the other user when trying to copy the
other profile?


Shenan Stanley said:
Did you reboot and log in first with the other user when trying to copy
the other profile?

Are you referring to copying the profile or the Transfer Wizard? Copying the
profile, I can't even get the option to copy it to enable even though I'm
not logged in as that user. For the Wizard, you have to be logged in as the
user whom you are copying if I understand the program correctly.


Shenan Stanley

Brian said:
Are you referring to copying the profile or the Transfer Wizard?
Copying the profile, I can't even get the option to copy it to
enable even though I'm not logged in as that user. For the Wizard,
you have to be logged in as the user whom you are copying if I
understand the program correctly.

If all you did was log off as said user and log on as another admin user -
it is likely the copy profile buttons would be unavailable.

Reboot and logon as the OTHER user - first thing. Then go stroight to the
Advanced->Profiles area and try to copy the profile then.

Mr C

If both machines are using the NTFS file system then the ACL security
descriptors will be different for each Admin account. Your old Admin
rights won't be recognised by your ACL information for your new
profile, in essence your account doesn't have access to your old

I've never used the Files & Settings Transfer Wizard (I'm not a fan of
having my profile data shuffled around automatically) so I can't really
comment on something I've never used.

As for your second method of copying manually, don't copy the old
profile straight over your new profile, there are files in there
containing all sorts of information that could screw things up royally.
If it's just access to your files you want then do the following...

Go to your original profile and right click it. Select Properties and
go to the Security tab. Click the Advanced button then remove the check
from 'Inherit from parent the permissions...' and put a check in
'Replace permission entries on...' Now click the Owner tab. Select your
current user account and put a check in the box 'Replace owner on
subcontainers and objects', Apply it, OK it.

Now back at the Security tab make sure your current user account is
listed, if not add it. Give yourself at least List Folder Contents and
Read access before clicking Apply, then OK. You should now be able to
access any folders within your old User Profile.

Of course, using this method means you will have to setup your themes,
fonts, wallpaper etc. yourself again.

Mr C.

Brian laid this down on his screen :


Mr C said:
If both machines are using the NTFS file system then the ACL security
descriptors will be different for each Admin account.

I thought about that, but I have admin right on both systems. I'm just
trying to find a way to get all my settings and files transferred over to
the new box without missing anything.
As for your second method of copying manually, don't copy the old profile
straight over your new profile, there are files in there containing all
sorts of information that could screw things up royally.

That's my last resort. I've done it lots of time and everything has been
fine. Program relaetd settings are written into the system hive, not the
user hive, so there shouldn't be anything too inherently dangerous. Worst
case scenario if the system gets messed up, I start it over again.

Thanks for the help.

Hey, isn't MS supposed to give a response within 24 hours? That's what it
said on the managed newsgroups page.



Mr C

Even if you have Admin rights on both systems it doesn't mean you'll
have access to the old profile on another install. Each Admin account
will have it's own descriptors. Let's say for instance...

There are 2 John Smiths, John Smith(a) will have a different National
Insurance Number/Social Security Number from John Smith(b). That's how
they are recognised as being 2 different people. The same applies to
your Administrator accounts. You need to tell the old profile that THIS
Administrator can have access to the files.

If you look in the security tab on the old profile folder you should
see something along the lines of
{S-1-5-21-1994428093-1998526488-725345543-1976}. That's an account from
your old Windows install that is no longer recognised on the new
Windows install.

Mr C.

Brian laid this down on his screen :


Mr C said:
Even if you have Admin rights on both systems it doesn't mean you'll have
access to the old profile on another install. Each Admin account will have
it's own descriptors. Let's say for instance...

Sorry, I should clarify. I am using a network account that has admin rights
on both systems.

Either way, the problem was solved by rebooting twice. But thanks.


Mr C

Brian was thinking very hard :
Sorry, I should clarify. I am using a network account that has admin rights
on both systems.

Either way, the problem was solved by rebooting twice. But thanks.


ahh, glad to hear it's working Brian.

Mr C.

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