Can't connect to AD



Hi All,
Maybe some one can help me. Here is my problem, One of my administrators
tried run a offline defrag of exchange which did not complete and upon this
non completion he decided to reboot the domain controller. When we came in
the next day we could not connect to the active directory and the dns server
could not find active directory on both domian controllers. How do we resolve
this problem, we are running on win 2000 server for both of the domain
controllers. Please help we have been down for 2 day already.



Paul Bergson [MVP-DS]

Run diagnostics against your Active Directory domain.

If you don't have the tools installed, install them from your server install

Run dcdiag, netdiag and repadmin in verbose mode.
-> DCDIAG /V /C /D /E /s:yourdcname > c:\dcdiag.log
-> netdiag.exe /v > c:\netdiag.log (On each dc)
-> repadmin.exe /showrepl dc* /verbose /all /intersite > c:\repl.txt

**Note: Using the /E switch in dcdiag will run diagnostics against ALL dc's
in the forest. If you have significant numbers of DC's this test could
generate significant detail and take a long time. You also want to take
into account slow links to dc's will also add to the testing time.

If you download a gui script I wrote it should be simple to set and run
(DCDiag and NetDiag). It also has the option to run individual tests
without having to learn all the switch options. The details will be output
in notepad text files that pop up automagically.

The script is located in the download section on my website at

Just select both dcdiag and netdiag make sure verbose is set. (Leave the
default settings for dcdiag as set when selected)

When complete search for fail, error and warning messages.
Paul Bergson
MVP - Directory Services
MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci
2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT

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