Can't Autofilter converted date??!?


Ed from AZ

A database query program outputs everything as a text string. One of
the fields is a date, formatted as yyyymmdd. I need this as at least
a number, and preferably a real date that I can Autofilter.

Using a tip from JE McGimpsey, I select the column, choose Data/Text
to Columns, and choose the YMD from the Date option drop-down. (JE
suggested choosing the yyyymmdd, but that's not available in my Excel
2003, unless I'm doing something wrong.) Then I Format all the dates
as Special >> yyyymmdd.

But I can't Autofilter >> Custom >> "is greater than or equal to" AND
"is less than or equal to" to get the records in a range of dates.

Any suggestions?


Ed from AZ

Well, I put a helper column with =B2, and formatted as Date with one
of the allowable Excel date formats. It gave me the correct date
(just not in the preferred format), and I could Autofilter. So I
filtered on that column and deleted it when done.

Sure wish I could have accomplished that without the extra work.


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