Can't apply Swen virus fix



I have Windows XP home and I have the Swen Virus. I can't
apply the Symantec removal tool for two reasons:

1. I can down load the Fixswen.exe file but I can't
access it. I have tried putting in several folders on the
hard drive and also the D drive but I keep getting
messages that Windows cannot find the file.

2 I get the same response when I try to follow the
instructions to turn off system cannot
find "rundll32.exe"

Any help will be appreciated.


If it makes you feel any better I'm having the same
problems. In addition, not one of my shortcuts works. I
have to do some tricky things to get on the Internet, but
I can't access any of my programs and about half of
what's on the control panel. I did try to copy
rundll32.exe from my laptop to the main computer and
succeeded, but then I got other error messages, such as
cn't find the path. I can't even accesss "setup.exe" on
the XP cd to reinstall. Nada.

I was getting memory access violation messages everytime
I booted up, but they have stopped. I'm going to shut
down and take a deep breath and go on a train ride with
my wife. I figure that by tomorrow morning someone will
have the solution.

Fortunately, it's the weekend and I don't need lots of
access, but I will by Monday.

P LeBlanc

This info might be a tad helpful for those affect by the

I had the same problem this morning.

I downloaded the McAfee AVERT Stinger program onto my
desktop. I double-clicked it and got an error dialog box
saying Windows couldn't find it. I found a loop-hole by
right-clicking the stinger.exe file and clicking "Run
as...". A little window appears asking "Which user
account do you want to use to run this program?" I
selected "Current User" and clicked OK and this WORKED.
(This work-around works for every exe I've tried it on)

However Stinger wasn't able to get rid of the virus
because I can't disable System Restore on XP.

I'm hoping someone will figure out how to disable System
Restore on or before Monday.

One more thing, if you can't start Windows Explorer try

I created a new folder on my desktop, then I right-
clicked it and selected "Explore"... this launched
Windows Explorer.


-----Original Message-----
I have Windows XP home and I have the Swen Virus. I can't
apply the Symantec removal tool for two reasons:

1. I can down load the Fixswen.exe file but I can't
access it. I have tried putting in several folders on the
hard drive and also the D drive but I keep getting
messages that Windows cannot find the file.

2 I get the same response when I try to follow the
instructions to turn off system cannot
find "rundll32.exe"

Any help will be appreciated.

The UNDO.REG tool will reverse the changes made by the
virus and allow the user to execute REGEDIT.EXE as normal.


(e-mail address removed)

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