Can't access modem in Windows XP



I Went on the internet to down load updates on my new computer running Windows XP Home. I wasn't on 10 minutes when I got the message "Windows must now restart because the Remote Procedure Call terminated unexpectedly. The system is shutting down. Save all work. Initiated by NY Authority\System" This happened three times. After going through these user newsgroups I have figured out that it was probably the blaster worm. I have downloaded the scripts and patches via my old computer to remove it, because the modem on my new computer can not be accessed now. My modem seems to be working as the Device Manager lists it, and in its property dialogue box it is enabled and working properly. I ran the diagnostic test and all is well with it. But when I try to connect to the internet I get the message "No modem detected." Also, when I try configuring a modem connection I get the message that there is no modem connected. It advises me to make sure that 'Plug and Play' and 'Remote Access Connection Manager' in 'Services' is started

I went into Services and found 'Plug and Play' and it is started. I went to the 'Remote Access Connection Manager' and it is not started. When I try to start it I get an "Error 5 - Access Denied. Could not start Remote access Connection Manager Service on Local computer." I also cannot start 'Remote Procedure Call', it gives me "Error1068 - The Dependency Group failed to Start.

Why can I not access my modem? Is this a result of the blaster worm? What can I do to access my modem again?

Rick S.

Make sure the right modem is selected in the connection that you are
using. Shoul find in under settings on the connections box, properties. You
may have more than 1 modem listed there, if so try the other modem to

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