canot remove command from FILE MENU



I have a Excel Document that contained many macros and it was protected.
I did Unprotect and deleted all macros but when I tried to delete a Custom
command from FILE MENU under customize/rearange commands, I would not see the
custom Command under FIle Menu.
but afer I save the doucment and reopen the document again, Custom command
under FIle Menu would show up again as It was not deleted!!!

Any Help would be appreciated,
(e-mail address removed)

Frank Kabel

are you sure the file/addin is completely uninstalled?

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

"EXCEL CUstomization" <EXCEL (e-mail address removed)>
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Dave Peterson

Lots of developers will customize the toolbar when you open the workbook.

Are you sure you cleaned up the code under the ThisWorkbook module?

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