Canon i865 drivers?



I have just been to Canon's site and find the last driver they issued for my
printer was 2004 :( I tried to install from my CD supplied with the printer
but Vista refuses to install. My printer is working perfectly on my XP
computer (same with the scanner although I haven't tried to install this)
would love to print as I am also running Office 2007. Does anyone know if
there is a driver which would work with the Canon i865?

I ran round in circles trying to contact Canon :(
I will probaly have to purcahse a new pirnter now but would prefer to wait
until Vista is released + the hardware fully compatible.


I have solved my printer driver issue. I had to install in a completely
different way but eventually have the Canon 865i working with Vista :) even
though the driver is 2004 I have all functions from the GUI as I do on my XP
computer which is a bonus.
Tried to share the computer but this bit didn't work out for me as yet but
can run via a hub +USB cable when needed on my Vista computer.

The .inf was not showing from the insall disc but I was able to access if
when I ran have disc and not the full disc install.

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