Cannot write photos to a CD



I have been writing photos to CDs with no problems until just recently.
I go through the microsoft CD writing process. It finished writing the
CD, and it says there were no problems. I then check it on my computer
to see if everything is there, and it says I have just inserted a blank
CD. What is wrong?

Please help!

John Inzer

I have been writing photos to CDs with no problems until
just recently. I go through the microsoft CD writing
process. It finished writing the CD, and it says there
were no problems. I then check it on my computer to see
if everything is there, and it says I have just inserted
a blank CD. What is wrong?

Please help!
Maybe the following article will offer some ideas:

(324129) HOW TO: Troubleshoot Issues
That Occur When You Write Data to a CD-R
or CD-RW Optical Disc in Windows XP


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

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I do not no how to write photos to a CD. I am new at this, I would like to
no how? if you could help me

John Inzer

vimy said:
I do not no how to write photos to a CD. I am new at
this, I would like to no how? if you could help me
Read the following articles:

(279157) Description of CD-ROM Recording
in Windows XP

(306524) HOW TO: Copy Information to a
CD in Windows XP


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
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........I am a volunteer.......

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you.

Proceed at your own risk.

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Annex Technologies


I have been writing photos to CDs with no problems until just recently.
I go through the microsoft CD writing process. It finished writing the
CD, and it says there were no problems. I then check it on my computer
to see if everything is there, and it says I have just inserted a blank
CD. What is wrong?

Please help!

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