cannot update boot configuration - last ditch effort



I recently purchased Vista Home basic (full version) on DVD. Although my
computer doesn't have a DVD drive I thought that I'd be able to copy it to my
hard drive over my home network then install it from there... I was sadly
mistaken! I was able to copy the DVD onto my hard drive, however I get the
dreaded "Windows cannot modify the boot configuration" error when installing
on top of a fresh install of XP Home SP2.

I've tried everything I could find in this forum to get around it...

- Disabling the BIOS antivirus (there is none)

- Renaming the folder into which I copied the DVD

- "Opening up" the permissions on the boot directory

- Modifying
so that UpperFilters is empty and UpperFilters.bak is present and either or
both have the value of PartMgr (I've tried every combination including not
having any UpperFilters.bak)

My last ditch effort is to order Vista on CD from Microsoft, format the
drive and try a full install from there. However for the life of me I can't
figure out how to order it. I don't need a license-- just the CDs.

Anyone know how to get around this issue or get Vista on CD?


why not make an image (.iso) of it, move it via your LAN, and then mount
that on a virtual drive?


If you have any RAID or disk controllers installed that don't have in box
drivers, you need to load those drivers when installing Vista using the
Advanced option/Load Driver. I am relying on my memory from the beta test
and I think that was the solution.


Hmmm... how would I identify that this is the case and how would I load Vista
using the advanced option?


Sounds good but unfortunately I don't know how to do this... Thanks for the
suggestion, though!

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