Cannot send email via link



Everytime i go to send a email to someone threw a link it doesnt let me, I
get this message,

windows mail could not be started because your computer is low on system
resources. Most likely the problem is your computer is low on memory or is
I dont understand? This is a new comp and I have mcafee as a virus doesnt make sense.


What do you mean " .... send a email to someone threw a link ..." ?
Please describe how did you perform the action mentioned above.


Like if I was searching some adds and going to email someone from the link.
Like craigslist for example. That message appears.

Peter Foldes


Threw = trough

What type of link are we talking about. Is Windows Mail defaulting to this link as
per your setup or is this link trying to send through IE or Outlook or which route
is it trying to send when you select Send.
Can you post any and all error messages that is shown


I have Windows Mail set up as my default email. That is the message that
appears as soon as i click on the link..
windows mail could not be started because your computer is low on system
resources. Most likely the problem is your computer is low on memory or is

Gary VanderMolen

Sounds like Windows Mail doesn't have all its defaults.
Open the Default Programs applet, which you can access either from
the Start menu or via the Control Panel, then click the first item:
"Set your default programs."
After a few seconds, a list of programs comes up. Click on "Windows
Mail". If it doesn't respond with "This program has all its defaults"
then fix it by clicking on the option indicated by the first green arrow.


Katie's usage of the word threw is grammatically correct.

If you're going to police the internet and correct everyone's grammar you should actually spell the correction correctly.

Threw ,Verb, the past tense of throw.

Trough  /trɔf, trɒf or, sometimes, trɔθ, trɒθ/ Show Spelled [trawf, trof or, sometimes, trawth, troth]
1.a long, narrow, open receptacle, usually boxlike in shape, used chiefly to hold water or food for animals.
2.any of several similarly shaped receptacles used for various commercial or household purposes.
3.a channel or conduit for conveying water, as a gutter under the eaves of a building for carrying away rain water.
4.any long depression or hollow, as between two ridges or waves.
5.Oceanography. a long, wide, and deep depression in the ocean floor having gently sloping sides, wider and shallower than a trench.
Compare trench (def. 4).
6.Meteorology. an elongated area of relatively low pressure.
7.the lowest point, esp. in an economic cycle.

Through (thr)
1. In one side and out the opposite or another side of: went through the tunnel.
2. Among or between; in the midst of: a walk through the flowers.
3. By way of: climbed in through the window.
a. By the means or agency of: bought the antique vase through a dealer.
b. Into and out of the handling, care, processing, modification, or consideration of: Her application went through our office. Run
the figures through the computer.
5. Here and there in; around: a tour through France.
6. From the beginning to the end of: stayed up through the night.
7. At or to the end of; done or finished with, especially successfully: We are through the initial testing period.
8. Up to and including: a play that runs through December; a volume that covers A through D.
9. Past and without stopping for: drove through a red light.
10. Because of; on account of: She succeeded through hard work. He declined the honor through modesty.
1. From one end or side to another or an opposite end or side: opened the door and went through.
2. From beginning to end; completely: I read the article once through.
3. Throughout the whole extent or thickness; thoroughly: warmed the leftovers clear through; got soaked through in the rain; a
letter that was shot through with the writer's personality.
4. Over the total distance; all the way: drove through to their final destination.
5. To a conclusion or an accomplishment: see a matter through.
1. Allowing continuous passage; unobstructed: a through street.
a. Affording transportation to a destination with few or no stops and no transfers: a through bus; a through ticket.
b. Continuing on a highway without exiting: through traffic; through lanes.
3. Passing or extending from one end, side, or surface to another: a through beam.
4. Having finished; at completion: She was through with the project.
5. Having no further concern, dealings, or connection: I'm through with him.
a. Having no more use, value, or potential; washed-up: That swimmer is through as an athlete.
b. Doomed to death or destruction.
through and through
1. In every part; throughout: wet through and through.
2. In every aspect; completely: a success through and through.



I cannot help with your problem but I hope you can help me. i am trying to
ask a question on a new subject and whenever I click on "New" and then
"Question" nothing happens. What am i doing wrong??


I have exactly the same problem, the fix below does not work. I believe it is
linked with removing macafee after the reg ran out. Don't know how to fix it.

Sam Hobbs

If the fix does not work then you don't have the exact same problem, so you
need to create a new thread. People reply to existing threads and then think
they don't need to explain the entire problem but since your problem is
different you need to provide all relevant information in a new thread.

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