Cannot save to network


Theo Verweij

When I open an office 2007 document form a share, and try to save it, I
get the error "Document not saved".
Save As to a network share gives the same error.

Save As from the same document to a local drive succeeds without an
error. Other clients with office 2003 does not have this problem (with
the same files).

At this moment, the only way to save to a network location is to save to
a local drive, and then manually move the saved file to the network
share from the explorer.

I am working with Vista Business with Office 2007 Proffesional in a
domain on windows 2003 R2. The share is located on the domain controller
(single server domain).

Has anyone a suggestion how to solve this problem?


HI, Theo!
Hope you get an answer too ... this manual save from local to netowrk drive
adds toto many steps to my day!

Gord Dibben

What is the exact error message?

If same as below have a look at this KB article.

"The file may have been changed..." error when you save workbook to network
server in Excel 2002 and 2003

Myrna Larson also reported that she got this error when opening a workspace
(*.xlw) file.

Opening the workbooks individually solved the problem.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


HI, there~
no, from Excel it first says it cannot save the file becausse it is in use
or busy; when i click OK, then it says it cannot save to this location (my
NAS drive), and to choose "save as" and save it to my local computer. of
course, then i have to manually save a copy from "my documents" to the
storage drive. over the course of a day, that time really adds up. i get the
same error in other office programs, except Outlook, which just says "the
operation failed".
-- Thank you~

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