Cannot remove Spyware warning message on screen



My son's laptop has a message permanently displayed in the middle of the
desktop announcing the operating system has found Spyware.

I have cleaned up the system and re-instated antivirus software etc. but do
not have a clue how to get rid of this annoying warning.

Anyone have an idea please?


Depending on what was downloaded and installed, some free spyware programs
just FIND it and don't actually remove it unless you pay them extortion money.

There are other types of spyware "finders" which are NOT spyware finders at
all but, in fact, spyware themselves. You may have picked up this type. Buy
a good anti-virus/spyware scanner and apply it to your system. It will
probably pick it up and be able to remove it

There are also several online antivirus/spyware scanners but they seem to be
less effective.


Touch Base

| My son's laptop has a message permanently displayed in the middle of the
| desktop announcing the operating system has found Spyware.
| I have cleaned up the system and re-instated antivirus software etc. but do
| not have a clue how to get rid of this annoying warning.
| Anyone have an idea please?


If the infection is a program called SpySherrif or SpyFalcon there are removal instructions available if you search using Google:

SpySheriff: Instructions start below the ad

SpyFalcon: Instructions start below the ad

It can take some time and diligence to do the clean-up. While it is a good learning curve, if you are not confident in carrying out all these instructions, either take it to a computer repair shop or backup all required files and folders and reformat and re-install XP.


Please post exactly what the popup says, include all headers, I don't think
this is coming from your OS, with details, we might be better equiped to

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