Cannot read back-up harddrive



I'm running XP Pro and have a WD 80GB HD as a slave. The harddrive appears as
a lettered drive but when I click on it, the message states the drive is not
formatted. I have checked all the jumpers. I have run BinaryBiz Virtual lab
against the drive and it says my files are there (unfortunately, this company
wants big $$ to recover these files). I have run cgsecurity Testdisk, Norton
and other types of disk checking s/w and all tell me the drive is ok. Yet, it
still acts like it is not formatted and I cannot access the files. Any
guidance would be appreciated!


Sherrill said:
I'm running XP Pro and have a WD 80GB HD as a slave. The harddrive appears as
a lettered drive but when I click on it, the message states the drive is not
formatted. I have checked all the jumpers. I have run BinaryBiz Virtual lab
against the drive and it says my files are there (unfortunately, this company
wants big $$ to recover these files). I have run cgsecurity Testdisk, Norton
and other types of disk checking s/w and all tell me the drive is ok. Yet, it
still acts like it is not formatted and I cannot access the files. Any
guidance would be appreciated!

Do a search on the internet for NTFSDOS - this will create a boot disk
that can access NTFS partitions. Boot to that disk and you should be
able to see the other hard drive's folders and files and copy them over
to the primary drive.

The reader should exercise normal caution and backup the Registry and
data files regularly, and especially before making any changes to their
PC, as well as performing regular virus and spyware scans. I am not
liable for problems or mishaps that occur from the reader using advice
posted here. No warranty, express or implied, is given with the posting
of this message.

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