Cannot Open Windows Image File



I was trying to install windows vista x86 on a HP Media Center PC and after I
entered the product the installation came up with an error that said "Setup
cannot open Windows Image File." and than exits the installation. The Product
Key is fine and has been used on my other computer so I am wondering what the
error could be. I am hoping for a Prompt Responce.

Thank You,

Mark D. VandenBerg

I know it sounds basic, but make sue the media is correct for the drive


Suspect all this advice may be off on a wrong tangent. I have the official MS
burned DVD's, mint out of the box and get the same message. Interestingly
having failed several times with the 64bit disk on my clean formatted Athlon
64 machine I tried the x32 version, only to have it crap out at the same
I wouldn't mind so much if it didnt take 20 minutes of loading and entering
the serial to get to this point each time..
Any fresh ideas welcomed.

Mark D. VandenBerg

SATA hard drives need to have the drivers loaded during the installation...

Colin Barnhorst

Look for the Load Drivers button on the screen where you choose the target


Colin Barnhorst said:
Look for the Load Drivers button on the screen where you choose the target
I'm attempting to load onto a regular parallel ata drive, though admittedly
there are also some sata drives in the rig. Where would I find drivers for
an ata drive and why would they not be included in the setup files?
Or am I missing something dumb?

Colin Barnhorst

The drivers for a standard IDE drive are on the mobo already. Check cabling
for 80 wire and jumpers for master, slave, cable select, etc.


I get the same error and installation stops when I try to install on my
laptop. I tried to burn the DVD thrice, at 16x, 8x and 2x DVD+R and all of
them have the same problem. The drive does not have any problem because I can
boot and install my slipstreamed Win XP just fine. I have redownloaded the
image twice to be sure I don't have an corrupt image.


I get the same error and installation stops when I try to install on my
laptop. I tried to burn the DVD thrice, at 16x, 8x and 2x DVD+R and all of
them have the same problem. The drive does not have any problem because I can
boot and install my slipstreamed Win XP just fine. I have redownloaded the
image twice to be sure I don't have an corrupt image.


I get the same error and installation stops when I try to install on my
laptop. I tried to burn the DVD thrice, at 16x, 8x and 2x DVD+R and all of
them have the same problem. The drive does not have any problem because I can
boot and install my slipstreamed Win XP just fine. I have redownloaded the
image twice to be sure I don't have an corrupt image.


I get the same error and installation stops when I try to install on my
laptop. I tried to burn the DVD thrice, at 16x, 8x and 2x DVD+R and all of
them have the same problem. The drive does not have any problem because I can
boot and install my slipstreamed Win XP just fine. I have redownloaded the
image twice to be sure I don't have an corrupt image.


suv laid this down on his screen :
I get the same error and installation stops when I try to install on my
laptop. I tried to burn the DVD thrice, at 16x, 8x and 2x DVD+R and all of
them have the same problem. The drive does not have any problem because I can
boot and install my slipstreamed Win XP just fine. I have redownloaded the
image twice to be sure I don't have an corrupt image.

Are you sure you burned a disk image, not a data disk?

Another thought, I had trouble when I tried to boot the DVD I had
burned, the keyboard would lock up and I couldn't enter the "key". I
tried to install from XP and was able to install that way. It was
slower than I expected but it is a larger OS than XP.


Colin Barnhorst

Some folks have reported that changing the media worked (+R to -R, for
example) so you might want to do search on the newsgroup with that in mind.


Ok. I really had a corrupt image file that was downloaded using the download
manager LeechGet. I guess it has problems downloading files greater than 2GB?
I downloaded again using the default download manager, and burned it at 8x
(just for the kicks) - Vista installed perfectly without a hitch. The only
thing I see is some of my programs are tagged as incomaptible with the
version of Windows. Thanks for all your replies.

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