Cannot open Control Panel in Vista


Carol Duffy

I am running Windows Vista RC2 and my problem is in regards to the Control Panel.

Whenever i open the Control Panel, it appears as an empty window, then disappears.

I know that is a preview release and there are going to be some muckups in certain parts of the operating system, but i just wanted to know whether there are any solutions to this problem, because there is going to be a time, when the Control Panel will be in full usage

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and hope that a reply will be recieved.

Any help is appreciated

Thank you for reading


It works perfectly for me.
I am running Windows Vista RC2 and my problem is in regards to the Control Panel.

Whenever i open the Control Panel, it appears as an empty window, then disappears.

I know that is a preview release and there are going to be some muckups in certain parts of the operating system, but i just wanted to know whether there are any solutions to this problem, because there is going to be a time, when the Control Panel will be in full usage

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and hope that a reply will be recieved.

Any help is appreciated

Thank you for reading

Bill Frisbee


I don't have that issue. Can you check the event logs to see if there are any issues with starting the Control Panel? Or any other unexplained errors?

Was this an upgrade? A clean install?

32 or 64 bit?

Bill F.
I am running Windows Vista RC2 and my problem is in regards to the Control Panel.

Whenever i open the Control Panel, it appears as an empty window, then disappears.

I know that is a preview release and there are going to be some muckups in certain parts of the operating system, but i just wanted to know whether there are any solutions to this problem, because there is going to be a time, when the Control Panel will be in full usage

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and hope that a reply will be recieved.

Any help is appreciated

Thank you for reading

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