cannot open any more databases (expert Q)


John Henriksen

Hey group

Got this problem, having to many table id's open at one time

I have a frontend / backend system . and lot of forms/tables open at one

need to know how to free table id's.

I got a main form with subforms linked in it. and I did try to remove the
source by programming. but I dont think that access are freeing up the table

There is no table open I do remember to close all recordsets and freeing the
pointer. eg

dim db as dao.database
dim rst as dao.recordset

set db = currentdb
set rst = db.openrecordset("sometable",dbopendynaset)
.....bla bla
.... bla bla
set rst = nothing
set db = nothing

and so fourth

and freeing some source form subforms like

' LejlighedHoved = subform control name on the main form

Me.LejlighedHoved.SourceObject = ""
Me.LejlighedHoved.LinkChildFields = ""
Me.LejlighedHoved.LinkMasterFields = ""

and setting them again

Me.LejlighedHoved.SourceObject = "frm_Lejlighed"
Me.LejlighedHoved.LinkChildFields = "ForeningsNr"
Me.LejlighedHoved.LinkMasterFields = "ForeningsNr"

how can I do this better can anyone help me



Are you sure you don't have an endless loop in your code? The last time this
error happened to me, I had a data value that caused an endless loop in the
code. The code kept going, opening further recordsets, until it failed with
that error.


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