Cannot Install




I downloaded and installed AntiSpyware today, and
initially I had a problem - I didn't open the Verification
e-mail from Microsoft.

Second time was OK and no problems.

Hope it helps



My Windows XP Professional came preinstalled on my my
Dell Inspiron 9100 laptop, I went through the whole
validation steps to verify my XP copies wasn't a pirated
copy and all the message I got back where verifying I
have a legal copy. At no point during this process was
it required for me to enter an e-mail to get a
Verification e-mail. This so frustrating. I have done
evrything I am supposed to do but I still do not see
any 'Continue' button to proceed with downloading The
Anti Spyware beta program.

Any other suggestions?? When doing the verification
steps, I entered my Windows XP Professional product key
and every other thing the steps asked ne to verify!

What now?? I am missing something and I cannot figure
out how to remedy the problem!!




Bill Sanderson

There is no email involved in the Genuine Windows validation process. Like
Activation, this process is completely devoid of personally identifiable
information--it isn't traceable to an individual. This is an important part
of the design of the system.

If you are having trouble with the validation process, I'd say ignore it for
now--the second step in the process has a box choice to skip the validation
process--for now, I'd suggest doing that.

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