Cannot insert some *.mp3 files and *.wma sound files



I am operating under Windows 2000 and/or Windows XP. I am
trying to insert various mp3 or wma files into my
presentation. When inserting from the menus of "Insert /
Movie and Sounds / Sounds from File", I get the
message "Powerpoint couldn't insert selected sound from
file". Note that I have gotten some mp3's will insert to
play automatically, while other mp3's and wma's get the
error message. All of the files that I am trying to
insert play successfully in either MusicMatch, Roxio, or
Windows Media player -- just can't get inserted into PPT.
I have created other presentations in the past and never
had an issue (with earlier versions of PPT). Any
suggestions? I'd appreciate any help!


I actually had tried that and my registry settings were
fine. I also tried to play the files with mplay32.exe and
realized that I have an issue with some of the files
playing on this -- get error message "A problem occurred
in initializing MCI". So... it must be something with the
files but I am at a loss as to where to go next. The
*.mp3 files were all created directly from CDs using
MusicMatch. The *.wma files were created from downloading
from MusicMatch. Any other thoughts?
Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
..htm for
specific information on how to get sound and video to play in PPT. I suspect
your MCI settings have been stomped, so you'll need to edit your registry as
per the screenshots in section 3.


I am operating under Windows 2000 and/or Windows XP. I am
trying to insert various mp3 or wma files into my
presentation. When inserting from the menus of "Insert /
Movie and Sounds / Sounds from File", I get the
message "Powerpoint couldn't insert selected sound from
file". Note that I have gotten some mp3's will insert to
play automatically, while other mp3's and wma's get the
error message. All of the files that I am trying to
insert play successfully in either MusicMatch, Roxio, or
Windows Media player -- just can't get inserted into PPT.
I have created other presentations in the past and never
had an issue (with earlier versions of PPT). Any
suggestions? I'd appreciate any help!



I'm having the same problem as Kim except my media file did operate in the MCI media player and yet I still can't get it to play in my presentation. I read through the website that you left for Kim but didn't find anything helpful. Do you have any other suggestions?


After speaking with a computer-friend, he suggested that
the file(s) that I am trying to insert are 'protected' per
the download from a music site / copy from cd. He
suggested that I create a music CD and reimport this with
*.mp3 / unprotected settings back into my library of music
files and then try to insert new file into PPT
presentation. I have not had an opportunity to try this,
but will in the next day or say... just something else to

-----Original Message-----
I'm having the same problem as Kim except my media file
did operate in the MCI media player and yet I still can't
get it to play in my presentation. I read through the
website that you left for Kim but didn't find anything
helpful. Do you have any other suggestions?

Echo S

I'd probably ditch Music Match and use a different program to create the
files. It seems its codec is proprietary, and isn't compatible with MCI.
Since the files won't play on the MCI player, they won't play in PPT,
has some info on Music Match and PPT.


Kim said:
I actually had tried that and my registry settings were
fine. I also tried to play the files with mplay32.exe and
realized that I have an issue with some of the files
playing on this -- get error message "A problem occurred
in initializing MCI". So... it must be something with the
files but I am at a loss as to where to go next. The
*.mp3 files were all created directly from CDs using
MusicMatch. The *.wma files were created from downloading
from MusicMatch. Any other thoughts?
Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
.htm for
specific information on how to get sound and video to play in PPT. I suspect
your MCI settings have been stomped, so you'll need to edit your registry as
per the screenshots in section 3.


I am operating under Windows 2000 and/or Windows XP. I am
trying to insert various mp3 or wma files into my
presentation. When inserting from the menus of "Insert /
Movie and Sounds / Sounds from File", I get the
message "Powerpoint couldn't insert selected sound from
file". Note that I have gotten some mp3's will insert to
play automatically, while other mp3's and wma's get the
error message. All of the files that I am trying to
insert play successfully in either MusicMatch, Roxio, or
Windows Media player -- just can't get inserted into PPT.
I have created other presentations in the past and never
had an issue (with earlier versions of PPT). Any
suggestions? I'd appreciate any help!


Echo S

NouvelleVie83 said:
I'm having the same problem as Kim except my media file did operate in the
MCI media player and yet I still can't get it to play in my presentation. I
read through the website that you left for Kim but didn't find anything
helpful. Do you have any other suggestions?

Your problem is probably different since your files play in the MCI media
player. (Thank you for telling us what you've already tried -- that gives us
a bit of a jump on the troubleshooting.)

Which version of PPT are you using? That can make a difference here, so I'd
like to start with that.

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