Cannot import devices.pmq


Joe Dolence


I am having quite a bit of trouble with this WindowsXP Embedded Tools set. I
will leave all of the frustrating questions for later, but there is one
thing that I have to ask tonight.

Since I kept running into road blocks because of one computer configuration
or another, I decided to try working on this at home too. After I installed
the tools and database I tried to import the devices.pmq file for my
development PC, as I was going to follow the example on the msdn site. When
I tried to import it using the Component Designer, I got no response a
all... nothing happened??? When I tried to import using the Target Designer,
I received the following error message... "An inernal error occured while
loading the Import Manager module".

Anybody got any clues as to why this is happening?



Try the step below:
1. Use tap.exe to import your device,
2. Use Component Designer to import the device file
3. Import the component into the database.
4. Open the TargetDesign, then you can see the device component in the TD.

Just the steps from the MSDN, try it again, these steps can work correctly
on my pc.



What OS is installed on your "home dev PC"?
What WScript Host version is installed there?
Is it XPe SP1 Tools?
Have you installed all the tools from XPe/SP1 and especially the MSDE and
Any errors during installations?
Check if you have got this file "\Program Files\Windows
Embedded\bin\imprtinf.dll" ?


Joe Dolence


What OS is installed on your "home dev PC"?
Windows XP Pro w?SP1 and "all" the updates.

What WScript Host version is installed there?

Is it XPe SP1 Tools?

Have you installed all the tools from XPe/SP1 and especially the MSDE and
Yes, several times.

Any errors during installations?
Well, yes, kinda. The first time I installed from the internet and my
antivirus program
(McAfee Antivirus) warned me about a script that was running. I clicked to
have it run.
The second time, I installed from the internet again, but turned off the
antivirus program
during the installation. The third time I installed from the CD's that I
obtained... again with
the Antivirus turned off. Note: something is still fishy, because while I
turned the antivirus
program off, I still got a warning about a script running. I check to
allow the script to continue.

If there is a problem, I suppose I'd trace it back to here, even though it
appeared to have installed
with no "errors".

Check if you have got this file "\Program Files\Windows
Embedded\bin\imprtinf.dll" ?
Got it.

I don't have anything to add on this problem sorry. The second and third
time I just installed over
the already installation. I think I will try and un-install it tonight and
re-install it.


Joe Dolence


It appears that I am getting some errors when I attempt to install the
"Tools". I must have ignored them, or forgot about them the first time.

The error is... Error 1904.Module c:\Program Files\Windows
Embedded\bin\regxpe.dll failed to register. HRESULT. Contact your support

This error repeats 8 times for the following files...
imprtinf.dll <== You asked about this one.

he funny thing is that after all the error message boxes are done and the
final screen appears, it says something along the lines that... You have
successfully installed.... blah, blah, blah.

Oh well. Any ideas on how to finish this installation?

Also, I found a setting on the antivirus program that was "watching" for
scripts, even though the antivirus program was "disabled" or stopped. I
tried installing with this enabled and got the same warnings mentioned in my
previous post. I then "disabled" that feature and did not get the
warnings... but the files still didn't "register".




Well, I must admit I have never seen the problems you mentioned below.
We may try to guess now what's causing the installation issues on your end
but I'd rather suggest you this:
- Manually register virtually every dll (that exports DllRegisterServer,
of course) under the "\Program Files\Windows Embedded\bin\" and "\Program
Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Embedded\" directories. Then run
TD and see if any error pops up.
- Or use Filemon/Regmon tools against XPe Tool Kit installation to see
what's going on and why you are getting the errors.


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