Cannot get Windows Update to work


Terry Pinnell

My wife has an XP Home PC. Last night, scared by the news about a
Microsoft security exposure, for the first time since she bought the
machine 18 months ago she decided to try to use Windows Update. We
failed. At an early stage we were advised to update Window Update
itself, by clicking 'Update Now'.

We tried, but it kept going round a loop consisting mainly of "Windows
Update is downloading & installing the new software" followed by
"We've made improvements to our web site. To download the new version
of the software and begin using Windows Update, please click 'Update
Now' "

I had another try this morning, in case it was a congestion problem.
But I had same loop. I left it for a while, just in case, and it
proceeded to download about 1 MB, but stopped with the worrying
message "Files that are required for Windows to run properly have been
replaced by unrecognized versions. To maintain system stability
Windows musr restore the original versions of these files. Insert your
Windows XP Home PC now."

Well, initially I went along with that, but bottled out when it became
clear I was about to reinstall Windows. Not something I want to
attempt without explicit approval from the owner!

But what on earth is happening here please? I've since rebooted and
all usual apps seem OK. How can I break this logjam please? And
ideally install just the really necessary stuff.


What has happened is exactly what it told you. Something you have installed
has replaced critical windows files with their own versions of the files.
Window needs its files. Inserting a real xp cd(not a oem recovery cd) should
fix it up. If you only have a recovery cd you may have to reinstall xp
losing everything not backed up. This is a downfall of buying an oem
computer. Maybe the oem has an idea for you not so drastic.
Also, you should be going to windows update website at least once a week. To
not go in 18 months is not smart computing. People who don't update are the
ones who get hacked and viruses. There have been numerous warnings in the
news in the past 18 months that should have made you update. Security
updates must be done every week, no excuses. This is how computing works for
now, unfortunatly. Stay updated and stay secure with firewall and anti-virus
programs at all times, otherwise stay off the internet.

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