Cannot erase file




I've been trying for weeks to delete a 320MB file but
without any success.

I get an error message saying it is in used by another
program. The file is an AVI file which I usually open
with Quick Time. I've tried re-opening the file and then
closing it again. But that did not work either.

How can I get rid of this file?

Thank you



Restart in SAFE mode. then delete.

get to Safe by restarting PC and as it boots, press F8 about twice per
second. A DOS looking screen will come up with SAFE being one of the

after you delete the file, do NOT remove it from the Recyle Bin. It
may be important info. Just delete and reboot normally and see if the
PC runs fine.

what folder is the file in???



larry said:
Restart in SAFE mode. then delete.

get to Safe by restarting PC and as it boots, press F8 about twice per
second. A DOS looking screen will come up with SAFE being one of the

after you delete the file, do NOT remove it from the Recyle Bin. It
may be important info. Just delete and reboot normally and see if the
PC runs fine.

what folder is the file in???


Since when was an AVI classified as an "important file"?! It's a movie,
hardly essential to the running of the OS. Data files aren't critical to the
correct function of the operating system.


wow, are u a butthead. It is very possible that .avi is used by
another app. like AVG antivirus..

so be careful making blanket statements.

and if u r so smart, tell us why it won't delete.


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