Cannot empty clipboard"




I've had a scout around Microsoft's website and also Google without
much success. Does anyone know why Excel 2002 should periodically come
out with the error message "Cannot Empty Clipboard" when dragging and
dropping cell data.

Something's not quite right, but I can't put my finger on it.

Any thoughts anyone?




The only problem with that website is that they insist on charging lot
of money to view the solution... :



I don't what your talking about here is there solution;
Hi srej,
I see the same error on my Excel 2000 at home and Excel 2002 here at
work. Usually, it occurs when I have an overlapping range (e.g. pasting
A1:D5 to B1:E5). As long as I acknowledge the error message, it allows
me to proceed.

Comment from srej
Date: 11/21/2003 04:32PM PST
Author Comment


thanks for responding, but I think my error is a little different. The
error message pops up even if I just copy one cell or even the format of
a cell and it will not allow me to paste even after I click "OK" on the
error message. It's like it never makes it to the clipboard.

Comment from pkhari
Date: 11/22/2003 01:41AM PST


There are a few steps to solve your problem:

First thing to do is Clear items from the Office Clipboard. If the
Microsoft Office Clipboard is not displayed in the task pane, click
Office Clipboard on the Edit menu. On the Office Clipboard task pane,
do one of the following: To clear all items, click Clear All .

Next thing is to switch off the clipboard show option. To do this, what
you can do is to again display the Clipboard menu (select Office
Clipboard from Edit Menu). And in the selection button "Options" at the
bottom of the screen, select this particular option:
"Collect Without Showing Office Clipboard"

and now, you are relieved of the bug.

Hope this helps.


Comment from pkhari
Date: 11/22/2003 03:54AM PST


In case my above solution does not work, why dont you try an earlier
solution given in the below linK:

Hope this helps


Comment from byundt
Date: 11/22/2003 08:39AM PST

The Edit menu in Excel 2000 does not expose the Clipboard object. I
suspect you are using Excel 2002 or 2003.

Comment from srej
Date: 11/24/2003 04:23PM PST
Author Comment

Yea, you can just use View > Toolbars > Clipboard to show the
clipboard, but I don't see the options you are talking about ("Collect
Without Showing Office Clipboard"). If you know how to do this on
Excel 2000 please let me know so I can test it.

Administrative Comment from modulo
Date: 12/29/2003 01:45PM PST
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Comment from roos01
Date: 06/06/2004 08:30AM PDT

found a macro to empty the clipboard. not sure if it is for use of

Public Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long
Public Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Long

Sub ClearClipboard()
OpenClipboard (0&)
End Sub


Comment from pkhari
Date: 06/12/2004 03:57AM PDT

Hi all

Just found a good way in attempting to solve my own "Cannot empty the
clipboard" error.

In all probability, when you have Getright or Flashget software
installed in your machine, it is likely to cause this error. Open that
software, and just uncheck the option "Monitor the clipboard", and come
back to excel. Now it should be ok.

Just thought of sharing this with all of you.


Comment from roos01
Date: 06/13/2004 10:39AM PDT

Thanks PK for sharing this. never thought about 3rd party software
causing suchs problems also.

Comment from osg192
Date: 02/07/2005 03:38PM PST

I am experiencing this problem too. In my situation it is being caused
on the host PC by terminal services (remote desktop). Host is running
Windows XP service pack 2. Excel: Excel 2000 ver 9.0.3821 SR-1.

Comment from LoveToSpod
Date: 10/03/2005 02:44AM PDT

I had this problem and the errors have now stopped. When I opened
Excel, I was prompted to save or delete 'recovered files'. If I
deferred dealing with this, and chose 'I wish to view these files
later' I got the error. Cleardown these recovered files at Excel
startup, by either saving or deleting them. This sorted the problem for
me immediately. Hope this helps,



Thanks for the notes. It seems to be doing it intermittently today wit
no rhyme or reason as to when - Typical!! :mad:

A few comments though:

- I am definitely _not_ running getright or flashget (in fact I wa
aware of this as a possible cause but had already discounted it in m

- Whilst the insertion of a macro into the start-up procedures fo
Excel is a possibility, surely this shouldn't be necessary - this i
curing the symptom rather than addressing the cause!!

- I have tried the suggestion of checking the "Collect withou
showing the office clipboard" and haven't managed to form an
opinions as to whether it's working or not. If I get something mor
definitive, I'll report back here.

In the meantime, I'd like to leave this open as I still feel that ther
must be someone out there who knows the reason *-why-* this i
happening. (Back to the cause rather than only addressing th

Many thanks to all who have responded so far



I am using Microsoft's Virtual PC in a training environment.

All student computers in our Office 2003 course get a local copy of the same
original Virtual PC VHD (virtual hard drive) files. These files have been
working for some time. Beginning this week, everyone experienced the same
error being discussed in this thread. Drag and Drop, format painting,
complex autofill with formatting, all present the "Cannot Empty Clip Board"
error, then complete successfully after pressing "OK".

I have attempted everything I can find here, or through Google, except for
the Terminal Services hotfix and nothing is addressing the problem. It is
possible that Virtual PC is making the same RDP calls that seem to be causing
problems for Terminal Services, but I am not certain of this.

As a Mentor Instructor and Microsoft Certified Trainer for more than ten
years, I have had my share of frustrations, but the lack of support on this
issue is remarkable.

Both the host system and the Virtual PC are current on service patches,
hotfixes, etc. I have repaired my installation of Office 2003, I have tried
many ways to clear the clipboard although it assures me that it is empty, I
have deleted files in the users profile, I am working with a "Microsoft Only"
image with no third-party add-ons.

Here is a kicker... the "dirty" instance of Excel 2003 on the host machine
works just fine, but the behavior of the application on the Virtual PC's
(who's source files are Read Only) changed this week!

Any thoughts would be vastly appreciated!


Hi William

Are you saying you've applied or you haven't applied the hotfix as
described in

For me I do use the RDC XP download on a 2000 client and I use it for
connecting to Win 2003 servers.

I think I need to try this one out without the fix and see if this is
the cause.

Thanks for your comment




I have not yet applied the hotfix in

From within the Virtual PC, I have connected to the Microsoft Update site
and installed all of the listed updates (working within VPC this took 3.5

However, I was concerned with applying the untested fix listed above since
we are not actually involving Terminal Services and the Virtual PC setup used
to work.

This evening I will attempt the hot fix on a VPC with Undo Drives enabled.
This way I can roll back if it does not work.


The bane of VPC - do let me know the results. I use the product
(mainly VMWare).

I have to say I wholeheartedly that I agree with your comment:
I have had my share of frustrations, but the lack of support on this
issue is remarkable

Thanks and good luck with the fix


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