Cannot delete messages



unknown error message occurred. Does someone have step by step solution?




The actions below worked for me.

First make a backup copy of the Windows Mail folder (in Windows Explorer).

- close Windows Mail
- delete subdirectory Backup in Windows Mail folder
- delete the file WindowsMail.MSMessageStore in the Windows Mail folder (for
me its size was 118MB)
- start Windows Mail

Now Windows Mail will repair all your mails in a repaired mail folder. This
may take a while. After this you can move the repaired folders to the Local
Folders folder again.

Have fun,


Steve Cochran

There is a update to my WMUtil program that he should try first if the
messages are in the outbox. See and click the "Clean
Outbox" button. One doesn't lose the database that way.



< After this you can move the repaired folders to the Local
Folders folder again.>

How do I do that, please?

I've now got repaired files (in a folder bearing today's date) working
great, but new mail is still going into the original, bad folders above, and
I can't seem to delete them, move the new, good folders, or any combination
of the two.

Your help is appreciated.



I'm having the same problem. I downloaded and ran the utility software, but
it did not resolve it. I'm still getting a popup stating that I have an
unsent message. In my outbox, the message recipient and subject are listed,
but there is no actual message. When I try to delete, I also get the unknown
error message. Any other suggestions?



The discussion so far relates to not being able to delete a message from the
outbox. My problem is concerned with a message in the Inbox which cannot be
deleted.It is the only message in the Inbox.

Gary VanderMolen

Frankly, at this point I would not go to extremes for an undeletable
message that is in any folder but the Outbox. The Outbox problem
can prevent all sending, which makes the email program practically
worthless. Stuck Inbox messages can be ignored, assuming they
can't be deleted or moved. As always, you should take measures
to prevent additional stuck messages by taking the antivirus advice
that has been offered here numerous times.

Gary VanderMolen


Ron's advice worked for me, up to the last point: "After this you can move
the repaired folders to the Local Folders folder again." I can't figure out
how do do that. Can Ron (or someone) advise. Thanks.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Mark it as read and see if it will delete. If it won't just ignore it. The
fix is potentially worse that the problem.

Steve Cochran

When you clicked on the Clear Outbox button, did you get a messagebox that
said it was successful?



I firstly went in the "C:\Users\Myusername\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows
Mail" directory and then delete "WindowsMail.MSMessageStore" file also all
files in "C:\Users\Myusername\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Local
Folders\Outbox". Start Windows Mail again problem solved. I think WM use the
backup "WindowsMail.MSMessageStore" in backup folder, so if you are lucky
(the backup file is healthy) it may fix the problem.

Gary VanderMolen

Get WMUtil (
When you download the file, be sure to choose Save rather than Run.
After it finishes downloading choose Run, then Extract. Then it will
show the extracted folder with two files in it. Run WMUtil.exe, and
click Clear Outbox. It may take a while.

Gary VanderMolen

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Go to and read the instructions. Then
download the file, unzip both parts to the same folder and click start the
exe file. Click the button for the Outbox and it will delete everything
from the outbox.


Steve, I too downloaded and tried the utility, but when I clicked on the
Clear Outbox button, a window popped up saying that an unhandled exception
has occured in the application. It was unable to load DLL scxout.dll...failed
to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Any suggestions?


This utility seemed hopeful..however it executes and spins without
completion...does not delete the outbox undeletable. Any other ideas?

Steve Cochran

I think I just fixed it. Go and download the new version and see if that
works then. It will spin a bit, but eventually now it should give a message
box that indicates it completed it.

Sorry about the problems, but I needed to test it on a machine that didn't
have the development software involved and doing that, I finally figured out
the errors.


Steve Cochran

Its working for 2 people so far. Just keep refreshing the site. Its Friday
and that may be slowing it down. The site is up.


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