Cannot delete Header created from web based mail


Lisa O

I much prefer to use Outlook when reading my mail and at one point changed
the setting to not download large files to my computer, but leave them on the
web based server. Every once in a while, something that is sent to me
prevents me from downloading my mail and I'll get duplicate messages or
nothing at all. So I go to my web account to delete unwanted messages and
then go back to Outlook. Not realizing what would happen, I deleted several
pieces of web mail before downloading the message to Outlook. Now I have
headers in my inbox that I can not delete. I've tried everything. Is there
anyway to get rid of these headers?

Lisa O

Thanks for the idea Mary, but it doesn't work. The message itself is still
on the main server as far as Outlook is concerned so when I mark to delete
it, it goes on-line to find the message to delete it but can't find it. If
I'm working off-line it just marks the file for download and delete is not an



I am having exactly the same problem.
I have contacted a Microsoft Tech and here is their answer, below. Doesn't work for me. Can anyone help with this problem ???

Gene Lee, aka Tennisyoda

From MS:
Regarding your question about the problem to delete message headers in Outlook, I would suggest that you can try to select the folder where are these messages (Inbox for example) and after that from the Outlook menu to select Edit - >Purge - > Purge marked Items. You will receive a message asking you if you want to permanently delete this message and you can confirm with Yes.
I hope this will resolve the issue with the message headers.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

What type of acct do you have? that only works if you have an IMAP acct.

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