
I have installed the Outlook backup tool. When I try to backup I get the
following error:
Cannot copy Outlook. The process cannot access the file because another
process has locked a portion of the file.
I have checked task manager and there is nothing running.

Thomas Grassi

What outlook backup tool? where did you get it? I use to backup computers
with outlook on them and had to shutdown the computer restart it and not
have it logged on.

Where did you get the backup tool from?


Thomas Grassi


I downloaded the program installed it and it works fine.

What version of outlook and service pack do you have?



OFFICE 2003 with all updates

Thomas Grassi said:

I downloaded the program installed it and it works fine.

What version of outlook and service pack do you have?


Brian Tillman

I have installed the Outlook backup tool. When I try to backup I get
the following error:
Cannot copy Outlook. The process cannot access the file because
another process has locked a portion of the file.
I have checked task manager and there is nothing running.

Something is keeping the PST open on your PC. IN which pane of the Task
Manager did you look? The Processes pane is where you should be looking.
If you see outlook.exe or mapi32.dll still there, that explains it. See if
something here helps:


Thanks Brian,
It takes one more step with a scary warning window but if I end process for
Outlook.exe in task manager it works fine. I think it must have something to
do with my AVG virus program.

Brian Tillman

It takes one more step with a scary warning window but if I end
process for Outlook.exe in task manager it works fine. I think it
must have something to do with my AVG virus program.

Guaranteed not AVG, since I use it on several systems with differing
versions of Outlook and it never keeps Outlook open.


Any suggestions on what else it could be?

Brian Tillman said:
Guaranteed not AVG, since I use it on several systems with differing
versions of Outlook and it never keeps Outlook open.


I have also been getting the following message

"cannot copy outlook pst pc the process cannot access the file because
another file has locked a portion of the file"

I did download the Outlook Backup programme and this allowed me to save the
pst files. I then burnt 1 copy to cd and the other to a memory stick. When I
tried to re-installing the data from the cd to another computer it wouldn't
work. I then tried the memory stick and it worked fine.

I had other data saved onto the disc for another programme and tried
reinstalling from the CD to see if it was a problem with burning the disc.
This worked fine so I know it's not down to the burning of the disc.

I dont get any error messages when trying to re-install from the disc. I am
able to get to the stage where it asks for the location, I can see the pst
file on the disc but when I press ok nothing happens.

I'm out of ideas this end, can anyone help?


Anne Troy

Burning to a CD makes a file read-only. You need to copy it off the CD,
untick its read-only property by right-clicking and hitting Properties. THEN
it should allow you to use it. Likely (tho I've never used one), writing to
a memory stick doesn't make the file read-only.
~Anne Troy

Brian Tillman

Aarjay777 said:
I had other data saved onto the disc for another programme and tried
reinstalling from the CD to see if it was a problem with burning the
disc. This worked fine so I know it's not down to the burning of the

This test does not confirm that the CD burning process is OK. Just because
a file for Program A can be successfully burnt to a CD has no bearing on
whether or not a file for Program B will succeed. DIfferent files have
different internal structures. Moreover, if Program A is not running at the
time but Program B is, the burning software may not copy B's files
correctly. This is certainly true with Outlook.


this is actually a simple problem sometimes easily overlooked and can be one
of three things, the first usually the more logical
******* The reason that outlook may not be closing is because something is
utilizing the services in the background(usually an index or Synch manager ie
MSN Desktop search, enfish, Yahoodesktop search, lookout, ensync or such
like) and it holds up the process as it is continually running. That
service should be closed before running the outlook backup program (it will
not allow the program to run) - Closing that program, not outlook is the
safer way to go... Look by the clock, and see if the program is there.

Actually the safer way to go is to have the program NOT open at the start of
running windows, NOT Run Automatically, NOT index or Sync Automatically.
Schedulling on a Manual is the best way to do it all, as you do have control
of your outlook.

Other Options - Since I used outlook backup to restore my computer, the
backup file was actually my outlook data file, so I had to rename it - only
then was I able to create a new backup file. (was able to determine by going
to the PST files via data management and look at the names)

How to do this is one of 3 ways, - make sure outlook is closed, go to your
pst files, right click and rename it.. if you cannot do that, then -
In outlook Right click your personal folder file and click open data file,
now you will have two folders, now go to properties and rename it, and then
make it the mandatory or main file by using email accounts, view or change
accounts, next, and in the drop down arrow in deliver e-mail to the following
location use the new account - now transfer all the new files and settings to
the new account and delete the old one.

3- in pst folder create a new folder called backup2 or whatever you want,
now in outlook, open up backup, go to options, and click browse and you will
choose the new backup folder

Presto now you can back up to a new backup file called backup..


I have got the solution to this problem, but it involves a little work. I
had the same problem using the Outlook back-up tool. I experimented by
performing the Detect and Repair feature for Office which can be found under
Help in Microsoft Word. After clicking on the tab, put a check next to
Restore my Shortcuts and Discard Customized Settings. Uninstall the back-up
utility before starting the Detect and Repair process, then close any other
Office programs. The only catch is that you will need to have a backup of
your .pst file or you will lose all of your messages and contacts. You will
need to reconfigure Outlook to your email server. When you open Word again,
a pop-up box appears asking you for your computer name and password. After
reconfiguring office, I had to reinstall the Outlook back-up add in. I am
now able to back-up Outlook, no more error messages.


Repairing or uninstalling OL doesn't lose your mail or contacts data file

The OP should be looking in Task Manager, running processes tab, for


My experience is that a new file was created after running Detect and
Repair-Outlook 1. I meant to delete the comment concerning losing your
contacts and email. I apologize foir the errant comment. I feel that
Autosync for Yahoo was causing the problem because I had it set to update in
automatically as opposed to manually performing the synchronization. I had
recently installed the program and changed the setting to automatically sync.


I got the same error message and solved it by stopping the Outlook (and the
folder in Outlook) in the APPLICATIONS section of Task Manager. I was
immediately able to copy my Outlook folder--which incidentally had 2 GB and
was too big to burn to CD anyway.

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