Cannot Alter PrintDialog Settings Programatically


Lee Ottaway

Oh boy, I really need help with this one. I've been working on it for
days and have gotten nowhere. The department I'm contracting for have
just purchased a very nice and highly expensive HP Laserjet 5500n
colour laser printer, solely so that I could print easily from VB.NET.
My problem is I cannot seem to change the print settings for the
print dialogue programatically. For example, most of the prints
require a landscape format. I've tried:

pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True


pd.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True

where pd is a PrintDocument class of course. I then attach the print
document to the print dialogue using pDlg.Document = pd and voila! the
print dialogue tells me it's in portrait mode. Similarly I can't
change the page size or indeed anything else in the dialogue.

The PrintDocument default page settings ARE changing before I show the
print dialogue because I've tested the variables, but the print
dialogue seems to set them back to a basic portrait format. Is it a
setting within the printer that could be causing this or what? I've
looked avidly throughout the newsgroups for anyone who's had a similar
problem, but I somehow seem to be the only one in the world!

Does anyone have any ideas???

Sijin Joseph

That should actually work, can you post actual code so that the problem can
be reproduced.

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